Wedding manicure 2013: photo of fashionable wedding manicure 2013
Each bride wants to be perfect on herwedding. Moreover, this ideality should manifest itself even in the smallest details. One of them is a wedding manicure. He should pay special attention, because to the hands of the bride on the memorable day of the wedding will be riveted a lot of attention.
Of course, wedding manicure is better to entrustprofessionals, but if this option does not suit you for some reason, you can easily cope with this task yourself at home. Our article with photos will help you with this!
For romantic natures
Thin romantic natures stylists suggest, inFirst of all, various variations of the French manicure. It is recommended to decorate the nails with decorative lace, which looks amazing and at the same time completely corresponds to the wedding fashion of 2013. This gentle variant of the jacket can be performed in several ways. For example, one of them is a visit to the beauty salon where specialists will grow nails and decorate them with lace material that will be fixed with a special modeling gel.
A simpler option that can beto carry out and at home, is as follows: Apply a base of beige, white or light pink varnish, using acrylic and a brush to make a pattern similar to lace and fix it all with a layer of colorless varnish or a special fixer for manicure that will allow you to preserve as long as possible the created by you beauty. The image of a romantic princess will help create and manicure using rhinestones as nail jewelry. To perform it, you will need a thin brush, varnishes and crystals of the size you need. Apply to the nails the lacquer base of a neutral color, and then apply a colorless lacquer and until it is dry, place neatly with the tweezers of the rhinestones in the order that your imagination allows. This glamorous version perfectly suits for a classic wedding dress and will create a charming image with a hint of Hollywood chic.
Decorations for wedding manicure
In addition to the above-mentioned rhinestones and lace, weddingmanicure will actually decorate with special labels in the form of flowers, patterns in the Baroque and rococo and geometric patterns. However, be careful: many nail stickers look quite cheap and tasteless, so treat their choice more than carefully. There are also special "overlays" on the nails. For example, golden and silver versions will be hits of the next season, so they should be noted.
Practical and simple options
Some brides will prefer elegant simplicity,convenience and practicality. In this case, the world's leading stylists recommend paying attention to such trends as classic French manicure and the use of monophonic lacquers. Classic French manicure can be performed in two basic colors: light pink and beige. The choice should depend on the personal preferences of the bride and the tone of the dress. Supplemented manicure habitual white border on the finger plate protruding from the finger. A pretty practical option is a wedding manicure with shellac.
This salon procedure, which takes no more than30 minutes. Shellac is a mixture of normal nail polish and gel. This beautiful manicure lasts more than two weeks, so the bride can safely go on a honeymoon right after the wedding, without worrying about the condition of her nails. This type of wedding manicure is done this way: nails are cut a little, put a shellac on the nail plate and put nails under the ultraviolet for a couple of minutes, where the manicure is fastened. You can remove this material with a special solution quite easily and painlessly.