Fashionable manicure winter 2013Well-groomed and beautiful nails - a mustattribute of any self-respecting girl. That's why he should pay enough attention regularly. Many stylists believe that manicure is an indicator of the level of grooming and a sense of the girl's style.

In the winter of 2013, the manicure will be perceived asart, because the nail designers offer to experiment with prints, varnish colors, textures, patterns and plots. Try to go beyond the boring classical style and experiment, feeling like an artist. Our article with a photo will help you in choosing the most fashionable manicure! Variety varnishes, auxiliary materials, quality tools, patience and diligence are able to work wonders!

Trends of fashionable patterns and plots

The trendy winter of 2013 will be a mixture ofpop art, with futurism, seasoned with notes of modernism and avant-gardism. This trend will also be reflected in fashionable patterns and subjects for manicure. Fashion designers should, first of all, pay attention to animalistic prints. In addition to the traditional options with prints of zebra, leopard and tiger, the alternative will be relevant. For example, "farmer" prints of cow color. To do this, apply a dense and resistant white lacquer on the nails, which will serve as the basis for a manicure. Next, depict on four nails patches of black lacquer, which will be similar in shape to those that adorn the skins of cows. On the remaining nail draw a funny muzzle of the cow.

Fashionable manicure winter 2013

Image will look great on the nailsbirds. For example, one of the trends for the coming year will be peacock coloring. On a red, blue or green background - the basis, draw a thin brush for manicure draw multi-colored feathers. Walk with an emerald shade of lacquer along the stylus to maximize the natural feathers of a peacock. Another hit stylists consider geometric prints on nails. They should be drawn using special paper or plastic stencils, since by hand it will be difficult enough to draw perfectly smooth and clear lines. In winter, we often do not have enough warm sunny, better, positive emotions and smiles.

So make this world a little more pleasant withusing the print for manicure in the form of smiles! Paint your nails with a bright, monophonic lacquer, and use a fine brush and a black lacquer to paint funny smiling faces that will please not only you, but all those around you. Also pay attention to fruit prints. For example, a print in the form of kiwi is made quite easily with the help of light green, white and black varnishes. A little imagination, sleight of hand and patience - and your artistic masterpiece on the nails at home is created!

Fashionable manicure winter 2013

Uniform solutions

Since last season, the popularity of brightmonophonic varnish has not died out. Striking neon shades (pink, blue, light green, yellow, orange) this winter will be more relevant than ever. Down with the winter cold, gray and despondent! Bright nails will bring in your image a note of optimism and freshness. In addition to neon shades, the classic versions will also be relevant: white, red and black lacquers. Models will also be pastel shades that are ideal for a romantic image and colors such as eggplant, burgundy and perch.

Fashionable naturalness

If you are a business woman and can not affordbright prints because of the business dress code, the varnishes of natural shades and french are created especially for you. Moreover, stylists declared naturalness one of the most striking trends of the next year. Despite the modesty of this version of manicure, there are a lot of options. For example, there are a lot of varieties of one French manicure at the moment. The choice is yours!

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