Tan at home

Not everyone is good at sunburning sunburn. Even if a person feels comfortable on the beach, the skin is not always able to transfer the sun baths painlessly. Our prudent and cautious grandmothers learned how to receive tan at home. The methods are fairly simple and safe.
Autosunburn is not always useful. Creams that are offered to you in cosmeticdepartments, not all fit. Girls often do not read tips for use, which causes problems. Some rub the cream for autosunburn in large quantities on a small patch of skin, trying to rub it all over the body. Alas, the focus will not work, because the cream instantly absorbed and begins to act. In addition, before using the cream for autosunburn, you need to use a scrub, otherwise the tan will turn out uneven.
Is not it better in this case use folk remedies? Let them not as saturated as creams, butyou will know for sure that your skin does not face chemistry. Tanning homes is achieved with the help of exceptionally pure natural materials. Cosmetic self-tanning is harmful because it puts the skin in shock. After using such products, the skin becomes faded and dry, it takes a long time to restore it.
Before using folk remedies, stock up cream or oil, to grease your elbows, knees, fingers. Those places where there is a bend, you need to handle the home tanning very carefully, because the tan should not quickly get off due to movements.
Tanning at home can be obtained with the help of scrub and ground coffee. Coffee should be fresh. Half a cup of coffee should be mixed with two spoons of shower gel. Note that shower gel, for whatever skin it was designed for, can dry the skin, promoted by coffee. If you have dry skin, use cream instead of gel. Do not overdo it with such self-tanning. Only two times a week you can use a similar solution. Do not overload the skin, despite the fact that only natural materials are used.
There is another way to ensure a safe tan at home. Use for this black tea leaf. Pour tea leaves with boiling water and let it brewdecoction. Ready brew should be poured into a warm bath. It is recommended to add sea salt to the bath, which is the catalyst for the process of such a peculiar sunburn. The bath should be taken no more than twice a week.
After applying both methods of home self-tanning It is necessary to lubricate the skin with body oil or fat cream. First, it contributes to a uniform tan, and secondly - it makes the skin supple and eliminates microcracks.
Despite the safety of all of the aboveways of sunburn, remember that from the sun you still have to protect your skin. Use sunscreen always, so as not to spoil the skin over the summer.
Tan at home - this is even fashionable today. Fortunately, women are already convinced of the harm of tanning beds. And it is not profitable to sunbathe for money, if the house can tan no worse.