How to choose shoes on a heel or platform?

You probably faced with the fact that convenientthe appearance of shoes on a relatively low heel subsequently unexpectedly turn out to be an instrument of torture, and "monsters", which are scary to look at, not to try on, become a favorite pair because of convenience. All this happens because on the comfort of shoes affects not only and not so much the height of the heel.
It is very important, for example, choose shoes with non-slippery soles. Slippery sole even in shoes without a heel is notwill give you far to go, and if the shoes also have a heel, they will inevitably "ride", and sooner or later you will fall. Therefore, do not choose shoes with a smooth and shiny sole, give preference to textured. If the shoes are very, very nice, but the outsole is smooth, take them to the shoemaker for "prophylaxis". He will stick a special rubber plate to the sole.
Besides, very important weight of shoes. To a greater extent, this concernsplatform. Bad shoes have a solid platform, while a good one has a hollow platform. If you have a feeling that you tied two irons to your feet, you definitely should not buy such shoes. To choose the shoes of optimal weight, put on shoes, stand up, pull your foot forward and hold for 10 seconds. Do you feel heaviness? Bad. Now walk around. If with each step it is hard for you to lift your leg, this pair is definitely not for you.
Also need choose shoes of optimum height. Often the height is the heightheel, but if the shoes have a platform, you need to pay attention to the difference between the platform and the heel. For shoes on a medium-thick platform with a wide, stable heel, the height of the heel is compensated by the height of the platform, so the heel itself does not turn out to be that high.
But the shoes on the 11-centimeter hairpin with a small platform (say, centimeter 4), most likely, will be uncomfortable. Such shoes - too high a lift (the distance between the heel and the beginning of the platform),so that the platform and thin heel will only complicate the walking in them. Of course, if you need to choose shoes to walk in it from the car to the entrance or along the red carpet, you can safely buy such shoes, but for long walks these shoes are not suitable.
By the way, high platform shoes and flat soles - this is another extreme, they are very uncomfortable. Due to the fact that when walking they pull down the entire leg, you begin to feel that you are not enough to tear it from the floor. As a result, the gait turns clumsy, and your legs get tired quickly.
And further a few tips About how to choose shoes with high heels. Having put on shoes, try to get up. If you can not get up normally at all, if the calf drops, as soon as you try to straighten your legs - forget about these shoes, they are not for you.
Firmly standing on his feet, lean forward. If you have not been able to maintain balance properly, you can stop fitting. If it turned out - we continue the "test drive" of shoes. Put your foot aside. If the ankle foot "breaks" inward on the supporting leg, it is risky to walk in such shoes. Now put your feet together and try to move the center of gravity from one leg to the other. If the ankle is "wringing" outward, you risk breaking an ankle, as in the previous case. Then sit down and check to see if you can keep the balance in this position.
Finally, walk around. With a normal gait, the step width (distancebetween the heel of the "front" leg and the toe of the "back") is half the length of the foot. If in shoes you semenize or go "on the half-bent," then they are too high. If you widely place your foot - unstable.
Very important Choose shoes that fit you in size. Not only too small, but toogreat shoes will never be comfortable. Closed shoes should not fall off the heel, but in the open ones should not go forward fingers. If the shoes are trying to fit somewhere, do not expect to carry them. Perhaps, of course, you will succeed, but what if you do not?
Deciding to choose shoes on the heel or platform, pay attention primarily to convenience, but because of the beauty. Believe me, comfortable shoes are much smaller than beautiful.