Gymnastics from wrinkles

Gymnastics from wrinkles, like any other gymnastics, should be regular and systematic, only then it will bring results. But do not worry, it does not take much time - most often the exercise takes 5 to 15 minutes a day, not more. You should not count on the instantaneous effect: in order for you to notice tangible results, there must be time, not less than a couple of weeks. But it's worth it, believe me.
Most often gymnastics from wrinkles is whole set of exercises, which must be performed in a certain order. These complexes there is a great variety, some of them can be performed only in the beauty salon under the strict guidance of an experienced specialist. But there is also a home gymnastics from wrinkles, which you can do yourself.
Gymnastics from wrinkles should be conducted by certain rules. First, you need to ventilate the room well,which you are going to do the exercises. Before performing the exercises, you need to wash your face, neck and hands thoroughly. Lubricate the skin with a cream is not needed. Exercise should be performed in loose clothing, not tightening the chest and neck.
To perform the exercises, sit on a chair and lean on the back. Exercises are performed in order from simpler to more complex, the load also increases gradually: at the very beginning of gymnastics there are two or three repetitions of each exercise, in the course of time the number of repetitions can be gradually increased to ten.
Gymnastics from wrinkles: a set of exercises</ h2>
Exercise 1. Deeply breathe through the nose, while the wings of the nosegreatly expand. Strongly exhale through the right corner of the mouth, releasing the air in jerks, while the left corner of the mouth is compressed. The next exhalation is done through the left corner of the mouth and squeezing the right.
Exercise 2. We take a slow and deep breath through the nose, after which we hold our breath for three or four seconds. Then we inflate our cheeks and with exhalation we breathe out air through the mouth with jerks, closing our lips.
Exercise 3. We make air through the nose, pressing the tongue hard to the lower jaw far below the teeth. Exhale calmly, relaxing your muscles.
Exercise 4. Breathe air through your nose and hold your breath for four or five seconds. We exhale through the mouth, holding the corners of the mouth with the middle finger of each hand and at the same time trying to pull out the lips with a tube.
Exercise 5. The index, middle and ring fingers of eachHands are superimposed on the forehead, as if fixing them on the frontal bone (the ring finger should slightly cover the superciliary arches). Trying to raise your eyebrows and eyes up, while overcoming the resistance of your fingers.
Exercise 6. The index, middle and ring fingers of eachhands superimpose on both eyes: the index finger fixes the outer corner of the eye, the middle one - the middle of the eyebrow, and the nameless one - the inner corner of the eye next to the bridge of the nose. Trying to close your eyes as tight as possible, while overcoming the resistance of your fingers.
Exercise 7. This is the final exercise that helpscause a rush of blood to the face. We inhale and simultaneously turn our head to the left shoulder with a smooth free movement on the account of "one". Fixing the turn to failure, easily turn your head to the right shoulder at the expense of "two" and again fix the turn to failure. We put our heads on the chest at the expense of "three" and make a deep exhalation.
After completing the exercises, you need to rinse your face with water at room temperature and apply a thick layer of nourishing cream on it. Regular gymnastics from wrinkles helps to get rid of small wrinkles and smooth large, improves overall skin tone.