Tools for manicure

The basic tools for manicure, which you may need, if you do a manicure at home, this is:
All these tools can be bought already ready-made kit. The advantages of such a set are that the necessarytools for manicure are already selected and folded into a leather vanity case, which you can always take with you. But if no set is useful to you, you can buy tools for manicure separately.
Also for a full-fledged manicure at home ispurchase cotton swabs or disks, nail polish remover, cuticle softening agent, sea salt or other components for the bath, a soft terry towel and a brush for cleaning the nails.
At each stage of manicure at home, you will need different tools and materials for manicure. So, to remove the old varnish you can not do without nail polish remover. Previously, most liquids for varnish removal wereon the basis of acetone. They perfectly removed the varnish, but at the same time degreased their nails, and they became brittle. Most modern lacquer liquids contain not acetone, but more sparing components, for example, ethyl acetate. By the way, the smell of ethyl acetate is similar to the smell of acetone, so when choosing a liquid for removing varnish, you should not trust your sense of smell, better read the composition of the product on the label. However, absolutely harmless for nails, liquids for removing varnish are not present, therefore in them add various softening and nutritional components: Waxes, fatty supplements, essential oils, vitamins and plant extracts. To remove varnish is best with the help of cotton wool discs - they do not leave villi.
Having opened your hands in a hot bath with various additives and wiped them with a terry towel, you can proceed directly to the manicure at home. Such a tool for manicure as scissors It is worth using only tocorrect the shape of the nails. Conventional manicure scissors are not suitable for removing cuticles and dead skin, they can contribute to the formation of burrs, because they are not easily pressed against the skin to cut off excess skin.
For classic, or edged manicure, when the cuticle is removed mechanically, use special nippers, tweezers or scissors to remove the cuticle. All these tools for manicure should be just perfect. Check, for example, nippers for cuticle removal, You can, by combining their blades and looking at the light. Blades of good cutters will fit perfectly, without missing light. They should be even, and on the blades there should be no chisels, gaps, grooves. The cutting pliers must be sharp. You can use and tools for manicure, like scissors for cuticle removal. They must necessarily be sharp, the ends of the scissors can be straight or rounded. But on the packaging must be written that it is the scissors for the removal of the cuticle! Tweezers with trihedral tips and bevelled edges serve to remove burrs. These tweezers adjoin the skin almost perpendicularly. Burrs carefully bite off the tweezers, without delaying.
If you do a manicure at home, it is better to give preference unedged manicure. For him you will need cuticle remover and bone or wooden sticks. It is better to choose such a means for the cuticle, inwhose composition includes healing and anti-inflammatory components. The product softens the cuticle, and it can be gently pushed with a stick. Sticks of metal and plastic are best not to use - they can scratch the nail. The "leader" among these tools for manicure is a stick from an orange tree.
Files - a tool for manicure, which are used for polishing, grinding and shaping the nails. Coarse-grained and metal nail files are mainly used to correct the shape of artificial nails, natural nails they will break and scratch, nails can begin to separate. So your choice for a manicure at home - nail files on cardboard or rubberized basis.
For the initial adjustment of the length and shape of the nails use large files of medium roughness. Larger nail files are suitable for shorteningnails, and a little less - for shaping. For hard nails use sapphire, ruby, diamond and ceramic nail files, and for the more delicate - nail files.
Nail files used for the final treatment of nails, and very soft - for polishing and giving a mirror shine. Polishing machines can be sold in a special kit, where the nail files are numbered according to the polishing steps. There are nail files with coarse sputtering, It is necessary to use them extremely accurately inIn that case, if there are furrows on the nail plate or the nail has changed its color due to poor-quality varnish. Grinding can be done no more than once every six months, so that the nail plate has time to fully update.
You can use the nail file only on dry nails. Movements are directed to one side: on a straight line or from the edge to the center. Chaotic movements in different directions lead to stratification of the nails. If you do not want to buy an impressive set of nail files, you will be saved "universal nail file" with several faces with different granularity. Remember: this tool for manicure as a nail file should be strictly individual! Do not lend your nail files to anyone and do not use strangers.
An optional but useful tool for manicure - soft brush. It will help remove dust particles under the fingernails and around them, and also useful for massage of the pads of the fingers. You do not have to buy it, you can just take the old big make-up brush.
When you have all the necessary tools for a manicure and a suitable varnish, it is not difficult for you to make a beautiful manicure at home!

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- nail scissors or special pliers
- cuticle and coarse skin cutters
- bone or wooden sticks and spatula
- nail files with different granularity
All these tools can be bought already ready-made kit. The advantages of such a set are that the necessarytools for manicure are already selected and folded into a leather vanity case, which you can always take with you. But if no set is useful to you, you can buy tools for manicure separately.
Also for a full-fledged manicure at home ispurchase cotton swabs or disks, nail polish remover, cuticle softening agent, sea salt or other components for the bath, a soft terry towel and a brush for cleaning the nails.
At each stage of manicure at home, you will need different tools and materials for manicure. So, to remove the old varnish you can not do without nail polish remover. Previously, most liquids for varnish removal wereon the basis of acetone. They perfectly removed the varnish, but at the same time degreased their nails, and they became brittle. Most modern lacquer liquids contain not acetone, but more sparing components, for example, ethyl acetate. By the way, the smell of ethyl acetate is similar to the smell of acetone, so when choosing a liquid for removing varnish, you should not trust your sense of smell, better read the composition of the product on the label. However, absolutely harmless for nails, liquids for removing varnish are not present, therefore in them add various softening and nutritional components: Waxes, fatty supplements, essential oils, vitamins and plant extracts. To remove varnish is best with the help of cotton wool discs - they do not leave villi.
Having opened your hands in a hot bath with various additives and wiped them with a terry towel, you can proceed directly to the manicure at home. Such a tool for manicure as scissors It is worth using only tocorrect the shape of the nails. Conventional manicure scissors are not suitable for removing cuticles and dead skin, they can contribute to the formation of burrs, because they are not easily pressed against the skin to cut off excess skin.
For classic, or edged manicure, when the cuticle is removed mechanically, use special nippers, tweezers or scissors to remove the cuticle. All these tools for manicure should be just perfect. Check, for example, nippers for cuticle removal, You can, by combining their blades and looking at the light. Blades of good cutters will fit perfectly, without missing light. They should be even, and on the blades there should be no chisels, gaps, grooves. The cutting pliers must be sharp. You can use and tools for manicure, like scissors for cuticle removal. They must necessarily be sharp, the ends of the scissors can be straight or rounded. But on the packaging must be written that it is the scissors for the removal of the cuticle! Tweezers with trihedral tips and bevelled edges serve to remove burrs. These tweezers adjoin the skin almost perpendicularly. Burrs carefully bite off the tweezers, without delaying.
If you do a manicure at home, it is better to give preference unedged manicure. For him you will need cuticle remover and bone or wooden sticks. It is better to choose such a means for the cuticle, inwhose composition includes healing and anti-inflammatory components. The product softens the cuticle, and it can be gently pushed with a stick. Sticks of metal and plastic are best not to use - they can scratch the nail. The "leader" among these tools for manicure is a stick from an orange tree.
Files - a tool for manicure, which are used for polishing, grinding and shaping the nails. Coarse-grained and metal nail files are mainly used to correct the shape of artificial nails, natural nails they will break and scratch, nails can begin to separate. So your choice for a manicure at home - nail files on cardboard or rubberized basis.
For the initial adjustment of the length and shape of the nails use large files of medium roughness. Larger nail files are suitable for shorteningnails, and a little less - for shaping. For hard nails use sapphire, ruby, diamond and ceramic nail files, and for the more delicate - nail files.
Nail files used for the final treatment of nails, and very soft - for polishing and giving a mirror shine. Polishing machines can be sold in a special kit, where the nail files are numbered according to the polishing steps. There are nail files with coarse sputtering, It is necessary to use them extremely accurately inIn that case, if there are furrows on the nail plate or the nail has changed its color due to poor-quality varnish. Grinding can be done no more than once every six months, so that the nail plate has time to fully update.
You can use the nail file only on dry nails. Movements are directed to one side: on a straight line or from the edge to the center. Chaotic movements in different directions lead to stratification of the nails. If you do not want to buy an impressive set of nail files, you will be saved "universal nail file" with several faces with different granularity. Remember: this tool for manicure as a nail file should be strictly individual! Do not lend your nail files to anyone and do not use strangers.
An optional but useful tool for manicure - soft brush. It will help remove dust particles under the fingernails and around them, and also useful for massage of the pads of the fingers. You do not have to buy it, you can just take the old big make-up brush.
When you have all the necessary tools for a manicure and a suitable varnish, it is not difficult for you to make a beautiful manicure at home!

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