How to apply makeup?
Makeup - the magic weapon of a woman. He is able to transform beyond recognition and create a completely new enchanting image. However, only a few small mistakes and makeup will render your person "a disservice".
So that makeup remains beautiful and staunchlystayed throughout the day, you need to apply it correctly. The technician of drawing of a make-up exists many, in a classical variant to put a make up follows in such sequence.
Choice of color range of makeup. The pre-selected color palette, which you will use for your makeup, will save you from problems: you do not have to rinse off the color chosen unsuccessfully and apply all the make-up again.
Preparation of facial skin. Before applying make-up,clear. To do this, apply cream or lotion on the forehead, nose, cheeks, chin and neck, carefully distribute the agent in circular motions upwards. Then remove the product with soft cloths or damp cotton pads. Movements should be cautious.
Application of the basis. After the skin of the face is cleaned, it is necessaryto put on it a basis under a make up, for example, a voice-frequency cream. Do not forget that the foundation should not differ from the natural color of your face by more than 2 tones, otherwise your face will look unnatural. The tonal cream should be evenly distributed in circular motions from the center of the face to the periphery, neatly shading the medium on the border of hair growth and in the neck area.
Application of powder. Powder is used for matting the face. Powder can be applied immediately after applying the base or after applying liquid or creamy blush. Before applying the powder, wait until the foundation is completely absorbed. This rule is especially important when applying powdered powder. The powder is applied with a brush, puff or cosmetic sponge, the excess is removed with a dry brush without powder.
Application of blush. This step is optional. Blush should be applied in a thin layer, then gently blend them. The direction of movement of the brush is from the center to the outer edge of the face.
Applying eye shadow. Before you start eye make-up, you need to apply a special tonal moisturizer to the eyelids - it will help the shadows to lie more evenly and stay longer.
When applying eye shadow, it always followsobserve the rule: first put the lightest shadows, then gradually move to the darkest shade. In the classical eye make-up, the darkest shade is applied to the outer corner of the eye, and the inner corner is highlighted by the lightest shadows or concealer.
Preparation of eyebrows. In the right make-up, we can not but pay attention toeyebrows. First, you should brush your eyebrows with a special brush, and then, if necessary, tint them with sharp sharpened pencil. The color of the pencil should not be very different from the natural color of the eyebrows. Paint thoroughly shave with a brush.
Application of mascara. Applying mascara is the final step in eye makeup. If it is necessary to apply mascara in several layers, then each next layer should be applied only when the previous one has dried completely. To spread the stitched cilia, you can use a clean brush.
Lip makeup. Lip makeup is performed last. The lips should be relaxed, the mouth slightly ajar. Lipstick can be applied with a special thin brush or applicator. Remove excess lipsticks with a soft cloth. A little tip: super-resistant lipstick should be applied only on completely dry lips - then it will last a long time.