Makeup: work on bugs
Often we look with envy at languid models, Hollywood beauties - their makeup always flawless. Ideally smooth contour, perfectly shaded, smooth transitions ... But if the stars have professional makeup artists for this, then we, dear women, have to do everything ourselves.
One awkward movement - and half an hour of work is a nuisance! Do you know this? Then do not rush to run to wash and start make-up again. Only a few auxiliary tools and makeup will be fixed!
If you are overdone with voice-frequency cream, you can, after washing and wiping your hands, apply a few drops of tonic on your palm and quickly draw on the face. Blot the skin with a clean paper towel and apply the foundation again.
If eyeshadow You have applied too abundantly, then try to collect a wadding stick a little tonal basis and with its help to remove excess shadows, restoring the form you need.
Attacked by eyebrows A tonal cream can be removed if you comb your eyebrows with a brush in different directions. The brush should be rinsed with a toner and re-combed eyebrows.
One of the most common troubles when applying makeup - on mascara already painted with shadows gets ink for eyelashes. What to do? It is necessary to take a dry cotton swab and rub it with neat, light movements. If it does not help, then the stick can be moistened in a liquid tonal. Next it remains only to slightly adjust the shadows "place of the accident."
If mascara hit the lower eyelid, then remove the stain soaked in tonal means with a cotton swab. Move in the direction from the outer corner to the center of the century. Do not push hard. In the end, lightly powder.
If particles of eye shadow when applied to the face, then using a large brush you need to be careful, notpressing, brushing them away from the center of the face. If you can not completely remove the shadows, then quickly apply to those areas of the person on which the shadows remained, a cotton swab soaked in foundation. After this, draw a slightly powdered brush over the corrected area.
If you overdo it and your makeup turned out too bright - Do not rush to start all over again. Use a clean applicator on the eyelids a little friable powder and shade the shadows towards the inner corner of the eye. Repeat this procedure until you achieve the desired effect.
If at you on cheeks it has appeared too much blush, then on a clean brush, take a little powder and brush it on the cheeks two or three times. So you mute the color.
If during application lipsticks with a brush you slightly missed - it's okay! Gently blot the spot with a cotton swab. Another stick moistened in a foundation, wipe off the stain, powder and apply lipstick again.
As you can see, most small inaccuracies in applying makeup can be easily and quickly corrected!