Makeup for the eyes: brown, green, blue ...

Female eyes have magical power - only onea mysterious look and a man's heart fluttering in the sweet languor ... To emphasize the natural beauty of this truly omnipotent female weapon will help correct make-up. Brown, green, blue eyes - there is an option for every taste. Particularly bright and attractive should be an evening eye makeup. We bring to your attention options for evening make-up for brown, green and blue eyes.
Makeup for the brown eyes
For brown eyes, one of the options for evening make-up is a smoky make-up. Especially good this make-up will look at a party in the style of the 60's. Is best for brunettes.
First, moisturize the skin and apply a light powdery powder to the face and neck.
Then you need to look into the eyebrows. After giving them the right shape, you need to bring them with a brown pencil or shadows.
Black matte shadows should be shaded, bringingthem almost to the eyebrows. You also need to shade these shadows under your eyes. Pearlescent beige shadows are applied to the inner corners of the eyes and to the areas under the eyebrows.
Black eyeliner on the upper eyelid draws a contour, the contour line should slightly extend beyond the eye line.
Apply black mascara to eyelashes, at least in two layers. Cheekbones slightly covered with pale pink blush, and on the lips is applied a light beige lipstick.
Little tricks. To the color of the shadows under the eyes was slightly muffled, you need to apply a little friable powder before applying the shadows on this area. Surplus can then be easily removed.
Makeup for green eyes
Evening make-up, made in violet-greencolors, beautifully shades green eyes. To create an evening image will need very little: purple shadows and a green eyeliner. Suits such a makeup for swarthy, tanned skin.
Before applying the shadows of the eyelids, it is recommended to powder well. After that, you need to put the main shadows of a gentle coral hue on the area above the eye, just below the eyebrows.
Bright-lilac shadows are applied to the eyelids with the help of a large brush, the area is also painted a little higher than the eyelids. To make the color brighter, you need to moisten the brush a little with water.
The line of eyelash growth should be highlighted with shadows moredark shade, for example, purple. To do this, use a small brush and walk along the line of eyelash growth in the upper eyelid. As an option, a dark purple cream eyeliner or a pencil is also suitable.
After that, you need to remove crumbs from your faceparticles of shadows and lightly powder the area under the eyes with a transparent powder. Green-blue (the color of the sea wave) pencil should bring the lower eyelids and the inner corners of the eyes.
The upper and lower eyelashes are stained with black mascara.
Little tricks. In order to give the image an even more interesting note, you can apply several strokes under the eyebrows with an ayleater of a gentle golden hue.
Makeup for blue eyes
Blue eyes are very interesting festivemakeup in lilac-gold range. This makeup is not recommended for large, as if swollen eyelids. For light eyelashes, mascara is better to take brown. If you do not intend to use artificial eyelashes, then the ink must be applied in several layers.
White pencil should bring the lower eyelids. On the center of the upper eyelids, it is necessary to apply gold and pearl shades and continue the line up to the eyebrows.
From the inner corner of the eye up to the eyebrows followsto put shadows of a pale-lilac shade. The same shadows need to paint over the area of the lower eyelids. It is necessary to put shadows gently, not to "capture" the area with golden shadows.
The outer corners of the eyes should be brought in black pencil, and on the outer area to apply a dark purple shadow with a small brush.
To give the image a finished and expressive look it is possible with the help of false brown eyelashes. You can also use brown mascara for this purpose.
Little tricks. Shadows will not crumble, and the lines will remain smoother if you do not close your eyes while applying makeup.