Individual features of eye makeup

Make-up is a great art. He is able to transform the fair sex as if by magic. Mysterious nymph, playful coquette or oriental beauty - with the help of make-up you can try on any of these images. Particular attention in the art of make-up is given to the eyes - after all, beautiful, eye-catching eyes are very attractive.
Eyes of regular almond shaped, not convexand not sunken, not too narrow and not too wide got by nature not every woman. But with the help of makeup for the eyes, you can "adjust" the size of the eyes, emphasize their color and shape. Traditionally, eye make-up uses colored shadows, a pencil or eyeliner, mascara.
Proportional eyes
Owners of proportional eyes of the correct almond shape are lucky - almost any make-up will suit them. The classical version of make-up of proportional eyes is performed as follows:
Light shadows are applied to the upper eyelid.
Shadows of a darker shade (accent) are applied just above the fold of the upper eyelid, distribute the applied shadows in the direction upwards and outwards to the outer edge.
Transitions between shades of shadows are carefully shaded.
The finishing touch is the application of mascara.
Convex eyes

If you are the owner of bulging eyes, then youshiny and light shadows are contra-indicated, as they only underline this small flaw. The effect of heavy eyelids will give your eyes too dark shadows, so they should also be avoided. Optimal option for you - matte shadows of muted shades.
Shadows should be applied to the entire eyelid,eyebrows, shading them outward. In the shadows of a slightly darker shade, draw a narrow strip below the lower eyelid. Under the eyebrow, apply shadows lighter. The boundaries of the transitions between the shadows are carefully blurred. You are not recommended for massive dark hands, but you can draw the contours of your eyes with a thin line with the help of a liquid eyeliner or sharpened eyeliner.
Sunken eyes

In order not to aggravate the effect of sunken eyes,use dark shadows. The best option for you is bright and shiny shadows. Shade the area from the fold of the upper eyelid to the eyebrow with colored shadows that harmonize with the color of your eyes or the basic tone of the makeup.
You can emphasize the contour of the eyes with a softwith a line starting from the outer corners of the eyes and ending it in the middle of the upper and lower eyelids. Mascara should not be "heavy" and too bright. Your eyebrows should also not be "heavy", with a clear line and neat.
Close-set eyes

With too closely planted eyes, you shouldApply light shadows on the inner part of the upper eyelids and on the skin in the region of the nose. Darker shadows apply from the middle of the eye. Stretch them up and to the side, slightly outside the outer corner of the eye. Apply eye shadow under the eyebrow.
Do not start the path from the inside cornereyes, and from the middle. Also, emphasize the mascara of the eyelashes, which are located from the center of the eyes. According to the classical canons of beauty, it is customary for the outer corner of the eyes to be on the same level as the inner eye or slightly above it. With the help of the contour, you can "raise" or "lower" the outer corners of the eyes to achieve the desired effect.
Wide-set eyes

Too wide-set eyes should be visually"Bring it closer". To do this, you need to use more dark shadows. Apply them, starting from the inner corner of the eye and shading them up to the eyebrows.
Drawing the outline, underline the inner corner of the eyethickened line, and it is better not to apply a contour to the outer corner. You can also slightly "draw" eyebrows, this will "move" your eyes closer to each other. However, this should be done very carefully, so that the eyebrows look natural.
Heavy, "hanging" eyelids

You can neutralize this effect ifthe overhanging part of the century will be arched in an arc-like manner with darker shades of shadows. In the central part of the century, apply dark shadows slightly higher than on the side parts. The area under the eyebrows will be brightened with light shadows. Apply a contour on the upper eyelid and blend it.
Round eyes

Round eyes you can give almond-shapedform, if you put light shadows on a narrow strip for ages. After that, you should shade your eyes from the sides over the crease of the eyelid, move obliquely upwards. Dark shadows are applied so that they form an elongated triangle that "goes" beyond the outer corner of the eye. To do this, you need to apply shadows from the middle of the upper and lower eyelids.
Arrows for round eyes should be drawn in such a way that they expand at the outer corner of the eye.
The "falling eye"

To correct the shape of the eyes, in which the outerthe angle is below the inner, followed by light shadows applied at the inner corner of the upper eyelid. Then apply dark shadows from the middle of the upper and outer third of the lower eyelid so that they connect at the outer corner of the eye and rise upward, forming an angle with the line of the eye section of approximately 120 °.
Draw a contour on the upper eyelid from the innerangle to the outer, and on the lower eyelid - about a third of the length of the line of growth of the eyelashes. The contour line in the upper eyelid should slightly widen at the outer corner of the eye.
Small eyes

If you have small eyes, then avoid darkeyeliner, because it will make your eyes even smaller. You should also not use colored mascara. To visually enlarge the eyes, draw a white line on the inside of the lower eyelid. Shadows choose gentle, natural shades - put them on all eyelids. The area under the eyebrows should be highlighted with white shadows. All borders should be well shaded.
Use black or dark brown mascara. Lower eyelashes are better not to paint at all, as it sharply emphasizes the border of the eyes.
Narrow eyes
Narrow eyes can be visually corrected ifapply a contour pencil to the eye line just above and just below the eyelids, and then well shade them. If you need to emphasize the oblique incision of the eyes, then apply shadows with diagonal stripes: light - in the middle, dark - on the sides. The boundaries of the transitions should be carefully blurred.