Profession shopper: how to make money by shopping?

Shopper (shopper, shopping specialist) is a man who helps his customers choose clothes. In fact, the shopper is a kind of "hybrid" of a personal stylist, a guide to clothing stores and even a personal psychologist.
Not all people are delighted at the thought,that they will have a shopping trip (especially for men). Someone does not know how to choose clothes that will look stylish and at the same time will be affordable, someone has no time for shopping banally.
Shopper will help to solve both problems. This person helps to choose the right wardrobe, ideally suited to the client, and save a lot of time. A shopper either goes shopping with a client (if he has time and he wants to learn how to pick his wardrobe), or simply buys the necessary things and brings it home to the client.
How to become a shopper? Naturally, this is not taught at the university. You can get proper training either in the design college (if you're lucky, and this direction is there), or at special courses in the image agency. But it is not easy for a person "from the street" to become a shopper: very important are the ability to submit yourself and the right connections.
Often shoppers become people who already have experience in the fashion industry, for example, stylists, make-up artists, hairdressers,buyers (people picking out things from fashion collections for sale in boutiques). On a permanent job, they acquire the first customers, and then some of them decide to leave for free bread and retrain to shoppers.
The first customers of shoppers in America, where, in fact, this profession appeared, there were stars. Not all Hollywood stars have time for shopping and / or good taste. On domestic spaces the first services of shoppers were estimated senior managers: in this position you need to comply with the corporate dress code, but there is no time to go shopping. Behind them politicians, stars, businessmen "pulled themselves up."
What qualities should a shopper have?? First of all, this is sense of style. It is almost impossible for him to teach, soit is the sense of style that should serve as a starting point, determining whether the shopper will come out of you. Shopper must understand the fashion trends, but at the same time be able to take into account the individual characteristics of customers and their wishes.
A good shopper is always a little psychologist. He must understand the nature of his client, his habits and preferences, lifestyle. And the shopper is a good diplomat. If the customer, for example, insists on acquiringabsolutely unsuitable thing to him, the shopper should gently convince him, without blaming the client for lack of taste. At the same time, it is important to be able to listen and hear the client's wishes: stubbornness and blind self-confidence are inappropriate qualities for the shopper.
How much does the shopper earn?? Payment is usually hourly and depends on differentfactors. The very first shoppers earned only five dollars per hour shopping trip. Now the hourly rate can range from 10 to 500 dollars. Everything depends on the popularity and professionalism of the shopper, and also on how difficult the task is before him.
The shopper can also work for a fee. The fee is fixed (if it isone-time job), he negotiates with the client in advance. If the shopper works with the client on a regular basis, the monthly fee is usually $ 1-2 thousand dollars. Sometimes the shopper's fee is the balance of the amount that the client has allocated for the renovation of his wardrobe.
Shopper is an unusual young profession. It may seem attractive (the idea of making money while shopping is very tempting), but, like in any other profession, it has its own difficulties. And would you like to try your hand at the role of shopper?