How to choose a personal fitness trainer?

If you are a small fan of group classes infitness rooms, then you can fully use the services of a personal trainer. Classes will become more effective, although they will be much more expensive. Own teacher - a fashion trend since the days of ancient Greece, which now has a special popularity. The services of a personal trainer are usually used by celebrities - singers, actors, athletes, etc. Madonna, Kylie Minogue, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Slate, Naomi Campbell ... looking at them, one can hardly say that training with a personal instructor for them was in vain.
Work in a fitness club come formerathletes, graduates of the institutes of physical education, sports coaches, that is, people who have a certain qualification. They then make up an individual program for each client, choosing not only the optimal physical activity, but also the correct regime and nutrition. It is balanced and proper nutrition, not diet - another important factor of success. If you sit on black bread and water, it's just exhaustion that starts, and this will cause great harm to the body.
Training alone will become inefficient,when a person will be hard to deal with, and if he has dizziness and weakness. The instructor makes a detailed schedule for the client, depending on his free time: when a person should come to the training, for how long he should eat before and after how much, recommends a special menu. The client only needs to understand that individual training is a quicker and more reliable path to success, and go to a lesson with a positive attitude.
Every person comes to a fitness club with some kind ofa specific goal, he must necessarily share with the coach, as well as report on existing health problems. Getting acquainted with the instructor, customers usually pay attention to his figure. Appearance, accuracy, pleasantness in communication - one of the main factors in choosing a mentor.
Psychologists advise paying attention to clothing andbehavior: if the instructor has a lot of fashion accessories, then all the time in the room, according to them, will be given only to himself, and the attitude to you will be superficial. According to them, the ideal portrait of the coach is unmarketed (although in some centers, a tan is considered mandatory), not a defiantly dressed man.
Young people and girls between the ages of 20 and 26years, as a rule, have only a certificate of successful completion of training, and therefore can not always find an individual approach to each client. The coach's task is to interest the client so that he continues to communicate with him further. But it also happens that during training a person looks at other instructors, and someone likes him more.
Usually, fitness centers offer trialFree classes with a personal trainer, even with a few alternately. It can be even 2-3 classes. Therefore, you will have time to look at the person with whom in the future you will spend a good part of your free time. It is very important to determine if you are approaching each other with a coach. It depends on it whether you will be engaged in a common useful business or peacefully divorced, referring to the well-known "did not meet the characters." In general, the relationship between the personal instructor and the client should not be friendly, but since you spend a couple of hours a day with this person, make sure that you like him.