How to become a model?
Fashion model Is a profession that today is very attractive, because "bread" of photomodels is considered to be "easy", and the prospect of "lightening up" at the international level entices. How to become a model? What do you need to work as a model? A country of advice will help you to figure it out.

First of all, it should be understood that to become a model on a professional level Is not the same as posing fora familiar photographer. The work of a professional photomodel can require a significant amount of physical and mental strength: shooting can last for days, no matter how tired the fashion model is, how hungry it is and how cold or hot it is.

If the desire to become a model is great, then, of course, such difficulties are not frightening. That is why for a huge number of those who wish today there are many ways in the modeling business: these are different schools of skill, special courses, and all sorts of castings called to find "nuggets". There is always an opportunity to become a model "by acquaintance" (if of course the necessary "connections" are).

To become a photomodel, no matter which way it is necessary to pass, tens and hundreds of thousands of young girls are ready for anything. But First of all, there is only one thing - a good portfolio. A portfolio for a photomodel is a pass to the "business", without a portfolio the chances of becoming a photomodel are very, very small.

In some cases portfolio, perhaps, you can collect from free "trial" photos: some photographers agree to give picturesfree for the ability to shoot a model. For example, if a photographer wants to try out new techniques and techniques in photography, he can invite the model to pose for free. But nevertheless in most cases it is necessary to spend the blood on creation of a qualitative portfolio.

"Classic" set of photos for the portfolio of the model includes portraits close-ups in the face and in theprofile, portraits, where the model in the evening make-up and hairstyle, portraits with pronounced emotions. Also need portrait shots in full growth, the generation of portraits.
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Portfolio is good to include several pictures where the model is posing invarious outfits: in an evening dress, in a coat or raincoat, in short shorts, in a swimsuit, in sports clothes, in underwear. If some part of his body is the future model is especially proud, then a picture with an emphasis on this part of the body will also be appropriate.

The presence in the portfolio of group shots, as well as images on which the model is depicteddemonstrating an object, allows potential employers to assess how well the model looks in the "environment". If the model subsequently plans to be shot in nude sessions, then photos in semi-nude and nude should also be included in the portfolio.

To become a model for podium shows, you must meet certain parameters. But for that, to become a photomodel, "feet from the ears" to have absolutely and not necessarily. The fact is that photomodels are in demand in the mostdifferent "parameters". For example, for some thematic photoshoots there are simply necessary good-natured "fat men" or ladies with magnificent forms. Thus, having a memorable appearance, you can become a "face from the cover," even without having the notorious "90-60-90". Dare!

How to become a model?
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