How to become a fitness trainer?

Many visitors to fitness clubs are interested in the question - where, when and what exactly did their instructor learn. After all trainers They are not born, they become. It is known that higher educational institutions do not yet prepare bachelors, specialists, masters of fitness, for this purpose there are special courses. The current legislation allows fitness trainers to work only for people with secondary and higher special education (specialty "Physical Culture and Sport").

But this is only in the ideal. In general, education is, of course, a necessary thing, but you can become a fitness trainer without it, thanks to the courses. The main thing is not to aspire to learn all the basics of coaching activity in just two weeks and with this knowledge to go "to the masses". Maybe you can learn several sets of exercises or remember how all the simulators work, but that's not enough.

You will need to master the theory, the main principles of the construction of the lesson, the methodologyclass reference, types and combinations of steps. You are waiting for the basics of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics necessary for the work of the instructor. It is necessary to understand both the structure of the muscle fiber, and the work of the cardiovascular system. The program is very voluminous, assumes compulsory independent work at home using special textbooks.

After all Without knowledge it is impossible to properly choose the load to customers, calculate an individual training program,competently build a lesson so that it would be interesting and give the expected effect. A non-educated coach can not only leave a person at the same level of physical fitness with incorrectly chosen exercises, but also severely harm him.

The level of vocational training in the courses can be different. The main thing here is a diploma (or certificate). If at the end of the course you were given a non-state document with confirmation of your qualification, but of your own production, then you will not be taken to work in a fitness club with such a diploma, at most - a sports club in a rural club, and then - by acquaintance. Therefore, you need to be very cautious and clarify all the nuances at once, so as not to lose precious time and money. In many respects, the status of a fitness club depends on the professionalism of the instructors, for this reason they are taken very seriously for the selection of personnel.

Usually, courses have several training programs. Trainers for various types of aerobics, pilates,The calanetics are taught separately, the instructors of the gym and personal trainers - separately. It is better to begin with classical aerobics, here you will find all the basic knowledge. In general, all group classes are built on the same principle.

Training takes at least an hour and the task of the instructor during this time is smoothincrease the load, keep it at the required level, and then gradually reduce, and complete the lesson with breathing exercises. This is a universal law. The result of the lesson in classical aerobics and step is the mastery of some combination of exercises. Courses are engaged in improving the technique of movements, working out voice and visual commands. Having learned base - classical aerobics - you can move on.

The most specific is the qualification personal trainer. It requires not only professional skills,but also the ability to offer their services to customers. Here we study not only the basics of anatomy, but also psychology. At the end of the course, students take an exam. It is necessary not only to practically show the exercises learned, but also to pass the entire theoretical part. It would seem - nothing complicated. But the questions are very tricky, because the goal of the examiners is to understand the level of your preparation, then to give or not to give you a ticket to an independent coaching life.

How to become a fitness trainer?
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