Corporate portal: why is it needed?Many large companies have their own corporate portal. This is not an official website createdto communicate with customers and partners, and the company's internal site, intended solely for its employees. What is it - luxury or real necessity?

To begin with, a corporate portal is not exactly a website, although it looks like it. The functions of the corporate portal are wider than those of the average site. Such a portal is a web interface,which combines the functions of information resource, social network and storage of documents and other files. Usually, a corporate portal is available only in the internal network of the organization (intranet) - a person "from outside" will not go to it.

Why does a company need a corporate portal? First, he provides communication between different departments and divisions of the company, reducing the time to transfer important information. This is especially true for banks and other organizations that have many units (within the same city or in different cities). Instead of notifying each branch about innovations, you can post information on the corporate portal, so that everyone gets it on time.

Secondly, the corporate portal ensures effective communication of employees. This is especially important when working on jointprojects. As in the previous case, each employee can send the requested information as quickly as possible to the addressee. Staff has easy access to the necessary data. In addition, the social network integrated into the portal makes up for the lack of employees in communication - it's better to let them communicate on the portal on work issues than they do on Odnoklassniki.

Third, the corporate portal facilitates workflow and reporting. Shared file hosting allows you to upload the necessary documents directly to the portal. This facilitates joint editing of documents. In addition, a backup copy of working materials will never interfere.

The corporate portal can also be used to train and adapt new personnel, to strengthen horizontal links between units, to reduce the need for business trips. The process of work in the organization will become more transparent. This is necessary for employees (awareness of the specifics of the company's activities is an important component of motivation), and the authorities (it's easier to monitor the work of employees).

Of course, corporate portals have their own shortcomings. The development, configuration and maintenance of the portal should be carried out by a qualified specialist, which needs to be paid. Add here temporary and cash costs for training employees using the portal.

Also possible Leakage of corporate data to competitors in case of hacking portal. Sometimes competitors do not even have to use the services of a hacker - just one unscrupulous employee who is ready to "merge" internal information to competitors for a fee. So it is very important to ensure the maximum security of the portal - and this again costs.

There are several approaches to creating a corporate portal. Can be ordered development of the portal from scratch, then it will maximally meet yourindividual requirements. But such a development is not expensive, it takes a lot of time, plus you will have to pay developers for the constant support. Can buy a ready-made platform, which will have to be tailored to suit your needs - but for this, most likely, you need narrow-profile specialists.

Therefore, most companies prefer Buy ready-made solutions based on content management system (CMS). Such systems are intuitiveinterface, so that after installation and configuration of the system, almost any employee will be able to administer the corporate portal by specialists. He does not need knowledge of programming or HTML-layout. But this does not mean that the portal can be left without technical support - simply in this case it will cost you less.

The corporate portal is effective system of intracorporate communication, allowing to optimize business processes inLarge companies with many employees, offices and branches. But if you have a small firm, whose entire staff is located in two offices, it is unlikely you will need such a portal - the sheepskin will not be worth the candle.

Corporate portal: why is it needed?
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