How to start a business?
Everyone can do their own business nowadays, even with minimal capital. And, of course, everyone who wants to go to "free bread" is interested in the question: how to start your own business?

The times of the "dashing nineties," when suddenly one could get out "from the mud to the princes", long ago passed. Modern business is built in stages. And if you decided to start your own business, the first thing You need to decide for yourself: in which area will you work? Will you sell or produce something? Will you provide a service? Perhaps, you will mediate?

Choosing this or that kind of business for yourself, you can not do without marketing market research, to which you are going to exit. Professional research can be ordered from a company specializing in such services. You can start studying the market yourself. Today, a lot of useful information about the situation on the market is provided by both traditional media and Internet resources.

Whatever the business, it in any case requires investments. You have several ways. You can take on credit (borrow from acquaintances, as an option) the necessary amount to start or you can find an investor for your project. In this case, you will need a well thought out business plan.

A business plan is a specific action plan that contains information about the effectiveness and success of the future business. The business plan consists of the following elements:

  • Summary

  • Goals and objectives

  • Market analysis

  • Product

  • Marketing plan

  • Production plan

  • Administrative staff

  • Sources and amount of labor

  • Financial plan

Making a business plan independently, You must very accurately assess all potential costs and revenues. You can not specify in your planapproximate figures - check all data with current sources that you can trust. Remember that you must consider all expenses, even those that seem insignificant to you. At the same time, there is no need to build illusions about the rapid growth in sales or the increase in the number of clients - evaluate your opportunities realistically.

When the action plan is prepared and the necessary seed capital is found, it's time to tackle the legal side of the issue. To start a business, it must be registered with the state authorities. You can register your business as an LLC(limited liability company), as private enterprise (private enterprise), as a person's (individual entrepreneur) or SPD (entrepreneurial entity), everything depends on your capabilities.

You can go through the procedure of collecting andpreparing all necessary documents for registration or ordering such a service from a special company. In the latter case, you must include the payment of such services in the item of expenses of your business plan.

After you registered your business, you must obtain a certificate of statistics, get permission and make a seal, open a bank account. In addition, you need to obtain a license,if the type of activity you have chosen provides for licensing. Depending on the type of activity, you may need to undergo an additional inspection of the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire department, control and audit department, etc.

Well, the beginning of business is laid. But only, as practice shows, starting your business is much easier than keeping it and developing it. It is impossible to hope that the new business will immediately begin to bring a consistently high income - as a rule, the payback of the project is from six months to several years.

How to start a business?
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