10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

New Year's - a favorite children's holiday. Kids are looking forward to it. Long before the magic day, they begin to ask: "And when is the New Year? Soon? "," And how much is left? ". To brighten up the child's expectation and show how much time is left before the New Year, you can make an Advent calendar, using the ideas from the book "Wonderful Time: Winter."

For each day in such a calendar there is a pocket withsurprise: open them in order - a day on a pocket. In these pockets, you can put small gifts, notes with assignments or clues, where to find gifts. Every day the baby will approach the calendar, open a pocket and count how many days left before the holiday.

Gifts on the hanger

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Small gifts can be packed into separateconvolutions and hang them, for example on a hanger. On the convolutions write the numbers that correspond to the dates before December 31, or number them in the reverse order, indicating how many days remain until the New Year, ending with the number 1.

Such a calendar can be hung up for 1-2 weeks before the New Year or for a whole month. Every morning the child will cut off the gift and watch how many days remain before the holiday.

Advent calendar on the wall

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Gifts can be glued to a double-sided adhesive tape to some basis: to a large frame, a canvas on a stretcher or just to a cardboard or wall.

From matchboxes

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Buy a few packs of matchboxes and use them as a gift box. Hang the boxes on the rope so that the child cuts off one gift each day.

Lay out the gifts on matchboxes and glue to them cut out of paper silhouettes, for example, houses, mountains, trees, and arrange them on a windowsill or on a shelf.

Advent calendar on the refrigerator

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Matchboxes can be hung onrefrigerator, glued to them magnets. For this purpose, the magnetic tape or washer magnets (they are sold in building stores) is best suited. They can also be removed from inexpensive sets of magnets on the refrigerator. Pack boxes with paper, paint with acrylic paints or paint from the can.

Notes with tasks in the bank

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Put in the bank notes with different tasksfor a child. Try to select tasks that do not depend on weather conditions and other circumstances, because the child will pull them out in random order.

Advent calendar of yogurt

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Put the presents in the yogurt cups andpaste the squares of tissue paper on top. You can use disposable cups of small volume or glasses. It's a great idea to use transparent cups. Using a glue gun or double-sided adhesive tape, glue cups to a solid base. To get a gift, the child will have to break through the paper, which he will do with great pleasure.

In the form of a Christmas tree

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Glue on a free wall of paper adhesivetape so that the silhouette of the tree turns out. Packaging for gifts can be made from stitched typewriter paper figures, and inside put a little surprises. Such a Christmas tree can be hung over the bed, on the door, on the cupboard or even on the window.

Christmas tree of gifts

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

You can collect a Christmas tree from the gifts themselves. The child will open them, starting from the top. Inside the boxes it is not necessary to put something big and valuable: these can be the most ordinary items that will brighten up the expectation of the holiday.

Beard of Santa Claus

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

Draw on the paper the head of Santa Claus withlong-long beard. You can draw on a sheet of A3 size, a paper or glue several album sheets. Divide your beard into strips according to the number of days left before the New Year. It can be done simply on a ruler by straight lines or figured. Number the strips: enter the remaining days, ending December 31, or in reverse order, indicating how many days remain until the New Year, ending with the number 1. Every day the child will cut off a piece of beard and wait for the holiday to approach.

Flags on the wall

10 ideas on how to make a calendar for a child

This is the easiest and fastest way toAdvent calendar. Number the flags and paste them on a decorative paper scotch or hang on a string. Every morning the child will take one flag and count the days before the holiday.

Advent calendar is a great way to create a magical atmosphere in the house and give the child a sense of celebration long before December 31. Do not be too lazy to make it for your children.

Based on the book "A Wonderful Time: Winter".

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