Summer Children's Camp
With the onset of summer, many parents are thinkingabout summer rest for their children, because you want the child not only to rest and gain strength, but also profitably spent the summer holidays. A summer camp for children is the perfect solution.

In Soviet times, summer recreation campsfor children were called pioneer camps, and in the west for children there are scout camps for a long time - there kids learn to communicate with nature, survive in extreme conditions. Modern domestic and foreign summer camps for children are very diverse.

So, children's camps are not only summer, butand year-round, i.е. work throughout the year. Also distinguish stationary children's camps, tent and exit. As the name implies, stationary children's camps are always located in the same place, in stationary buildings.

Tented children's summer camps cansettle anywhere - where there is enough room to break a few tents. Rest in a tent camp can be combined with a tourist trip.

Offsite summer camps for each shift usually rent premises, for example, in other camps, on recreation bases or in hotels.

In summer camps for children a diverse program is offered, depending on which camps for children can be divided into several types:

  • Children's Health Camp

  • day school camp

  • sanatorium

  • training camp

  • sports camp

  • profile camp

Traditional improving summer camps, as a rule, are located in an environmentallyclean area, in the bosom of nature. For example, the well-known international children's camp "Artek" is located on the picturesque coast of the Crimean peninsula. Also popular are the health camps in the pine forest, in the mountainous area.

The program of improving children's campsincludes all kinds of cultural and sporting events, visiting the beach. If desired, children can participate in various clubs or clubs of interest.

School day stay located on the basis of the school. As a rule, children stay in such camp before lunch, less often - all day. The cost of the child's stay in the school camp is not high. During the day, children can study in different circles and sections, go on excursions. Teachers are teaching the school.

AT sanatorium children are sent for prevention or treatmentany diseases, so to get to such a camp you need a doctor's referral or an extract from the medical card. The main emphasis in the children's camp of the sanatorium type is made on all possible preventive and curative procedures. An individual wellness program can be made for each child.

AT training camp children can not only get healthier, but also getuseful knowledge. Thus, in the training camp for children who are lagging behind the school curriculum, additional classes are organized for various subjects. The work is carried out individually with each child or with small groups of 3-5 people, which contributes to a more productive assimilation of information.

Training camps include language summer camp for children. These camps are specifically designed for children,who want to learn foreign languages. A language camp can be located on the territory of a foreign country - a full immersion in the language environment increases the effectiveness of teaching.

As a rule, the program of the language camp also includes a variety of excursions, allowing children to get acquainted with the culture of the country, the language of which they study.

In addition to linguistic there are also other training camps: mathematical, historical, literary.

Sports summer camp oriented, above all, to sportsdevelopment of children. In such camps, children are divided into groups according to the level of physical training. In a sports summer camp, children can engage in general physical development or a particular sport.

Special summer camps for children are usually organized on the basis of profile sectionsor children's centers for out-of-school education. The camps include camps with artistic, ecological, military, computer, musical bias, etc.

Work profile summer camp can beis also organized on the basis of a suburban camp, where for the profile group a whole shift or one race is allocated. In the profile camp, children, as well as in the sports camp, are divided not by age, but by the level of training.

The program of the profile camp necessarily includes classes in accordance with the chosen profile, but all other types of "camp" activity can additionally be present.

Sending his child to a summer camp, parents, of course, worry, Whether there will be a child there, whether it will be well fed. It is advisable to think about these issues in advance, even beforepurchase of a voucher. You can learn more about the camp staff and the conditions of children's living with the help of the Internet, or you can consult with friends who have already sent children to a particular camp.

Summer Children's Camp

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