Strabismus in children

What is strabismus? Types of strabismus
With normal vision, the visual axes of both eyes focus on the subject we are considering. With strabismus, the visual axes on one object do not converge; externally it is manifested in the deviation of the eye (one or both) to the side, up or down. Usually this is due to the weakness of the muscles of the eyeball, which, in turn, can be caused by various causes (we will discuss them later).
Strabismus in children is congenital and acquired. Congenital strabismus manifests itself in children immediately after birth or in the first six months of life, acquired most often from one to three years.
Also, the strabismus is vertical and horizontal. Horizontal strabismus occurs more often and is convergent (one or both eyes look towards the nose) and divergent (one or both eyes look towards the temples). Vertical strabismus with a deviation downward or upward.
Strabismus is monocular and alteniruyuschim. When monocular strabismus mows only one eye, a person ceases to use it, and the vision of the mowing eye is significantly reduced. When altenizing strabismus people use both eyes, but alternately.
There is also a friendly and paralytic strabismus. Strabismus in children most often friendly. With it, the movement of eyeballs occurs in full, the primary and secondary angle of strabismus are equal, there is no doubling and disturbance of binocular vision. When paralytic strabismus is paralyzed or one or more oculomotor muscles are damaged.
The causes of strabismus
Why does strabismus occur in children? The causes of strabismus lie in the physiology of the child's body. A small child still does not know how to see at once with two eyes - he does not have binocular vision. Primitive binocular vision is formed inchild to 2-4 months and continues to form up to four years. Therefore, the infant's inability to focus on the subject with both eyes at an early age is natural, but if in time the infant strabismus does not pass is an alarming sign.
Strabismus in children can be the result of astigmatism, myopia (congenital oracquired diseases), hyperopia, central nervous system diseases, severe infectious diseases (especially those accompanied by high fever), trauma (physical or mental), eye diseases (so-called secondary strabismus), intoxication during pregnancy, hereditary predisposition.
Treatment of strabismus
Strabismus in children is treated by an ophthalmologist. The first examination with an ophthalmologist is desirable to be done soon after birth, then in two months, six months and a year. If your child is not at risk, you may not have an appointment after birth - it's worth taking the initiative.
If the doctor finds a strabismus in your child, he will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Strabismus in children is treated conservatively and surgically. These methods are not interchangeable, but rather complementary.
Conservative methods of treatment are designed to increase visual acuity. When strabismus, caused by myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism, the child is prescribed spectacles; sometimes glasses help to completely correct strabismus in children. This is also true for secondary strabismus: when you cure a disease that caused strabismus, the child will stop "mowing."
Also, the child is taught to combine images from the left and right eyes into one image. For this purpose, special medical treatment courses are conducted in a game form and / or used occlusion method (the healthy eye is closed by a bandage so that the child gets used to rely on the mowing eye). Type, regularity and duration of dressing appoint a doctor!
The choice of surgical methods depends on the depth of the visual system and the type of strabismus. The operation serves to solve the problems thatIt is impossible to solve by conservative methods. It does not replace conservative therapeutic methods, but is accompanied by them. The operation can be done at any age, and the earlier - the greater the chance of success.
Strabismus in children is a pretty serious problem. It can cause psychological complexes (often children with strabismus become the object of ridicule of peers) and a significant decrease in vision. Strabismus in children does not go away itself, so it is very important to identify it in time and begin treatment.