Allergies to cats in children: symptoms and treatment of allergies to cat hair in children
Allergy, that is, unreasonable aggressive reaction of an organism to any substance, is encountered more and more often.
The causes can be plant pollen, insect bites, food, house dust, animal hair and much more.
Children are especially vulnerable to allergies. Today we will discuss such a topic as an allergy to cats in children, try to identify its symptoms and find methods of treatment.
How allergic to cats is manifested in children: symptoms and signs
According to statistics, allergy to cats is foundmuch more often than on dogs, hamsters or wavy parrots. Even if you prefer the luxurious "Persian" almost naked cat of the Sphynx breed, the risk of reaction is great, and it's not entirely in the wool. In saliva and urine of felines, as well as in the production of their sebaceous and anal glands, there is a special protein that causes the strongest reaction of the body.
Wool and small parts of animal skin - just hiscarriers. The question arises: why do some children suffer from allergies to cats, while others do not? Here everything depends on the state of immunity, age - the younger the child, the higher the risk of concomitant diseases, for example, asthma, as well as heredity.
In 80 cases out of 100, the child of allergy sufferers willto suffer from this ailment. Symptoms of allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. In some, they arise immediately, others - in a few hours. The most characteristic signs are reddening of the eyes and tearfulness, frequent sneezing, runny nose, nose or throat swelling, coughing, shortness of breath, shortness of breath.
Sometimes local reactions occur - redness anditching of the bite or scratches, eczema. Very rarely occurs anaphylactic shock. In the event that the allergen affects the body for a long time, it leads to a decrease in immunity, rapid fatigue, increased nervousness and irritability.
In order to find out exactly whetherfluffy friend cause allergies, it is worth to see a doctor and make the necessary allergic tests, the doctor will also pick up the optimal medication for treatment. There is another way: for a while to give the cat to friends and carefully observe the symptoms. If they are gone, and the child does react to cat hair, then it's time to start treatment.
How to cure an allergy to cats in a child: safe medicines
There are several treatment options. The most traditional means taking antihistamines, many of which are sold even without a prescription. Vasoconstrictors help get rid of the common cold, and decongestants - from swelling and drying out of mucus. Remember that all these drugs are strictly selected by an allergist.
A safer method is immunotherapy. The disadvantages include the inability to use children under 5 years, short-term action (up to 5 days), a negative effect on the work of the liver and other internal organs. Traditional medicine offers a wide variety of options, ranging from addiction, ending with various broths and infusions.
For example, infusion of duckweed or a decoction of dandelion. The safest medicine is compliance with certain hygiene requirements. In the house there should not be "dust collectors": carpets, heavy curtains, soft toys. It is in them that allergens accumulate. Wet cleaning without the use of household chemicals should be carried out daily.
Especially for the cat should be given specialplace - box, "house", etc. The animal must be kept clean. If you comply with all of the above rules, then 90% of the success in the treatment you are guaranteed.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko