Diaper dermatitisYoung mothers often face such a problem as diaper dermatitis. It is also called a diaper rash. Why does diaper dermatitis occur and how to cure it?

Causes of diaper dermatitis

In fact, diaper dermatitis is inflammation of the skin. The skin of infants is very tender, and herthe surface layer is very thin, so irritation arises easily. In addition, the local immunity of the skin in a baby is not yet formed, so infection can easily get into microtrauma.

Frequency of occurrence of diaper dermatitis - from 35 to 50%, this is one of thethe most common skin problems in infants. Girls are prone to diaper dermatitis more than boys. Most diaper dermatitis is observed in children prone to allergies, taking antibiotics or being on artificial feeding.

Most often diaper dermatitis occurs on thoseareas of skin that come in contact with diapers or diapers (buttocks, genitals, inner thighs). The skin in these areas is highly humid, which increases the likelihood of diaper dermatitis. Diaper dermatitis can cause different reasons, in particular:

  • mechanical - skin friction against diapers or diapers

  • Physical - heat and high humidity

  • chemical - the effect of urine and feces, as well as means for washing diapers

  • Microbial - the impact of pathogenic bacteria

Diaper dermatitis occurs with an incorrectuse of creams, powders, soaps and other care products, a rare change of diapers, the use of diapers that do not breathe well, allergies to cosmetics or detergents.

Symptoms of diaper dermatitis

How to determine that your baby diaperdermatitis? Damaged skin blushes and swells, and then can begin to peel off. Sometimes small bubbles appear. The baby cries because it feels itching, burning or even pain. it easy degree diaper dermatitis, which is quite easy to cure.

If you overlook these symptoms, medium degree diaper dermatitis. In the folds of the skin will begin to form microcracks, small erosions, pustules, and the skin becomes more red.

There are also heavy degree diaper dermatitis. In the most neglected cases, cracks, pustules and erosions are more extensive, have uneven outlines, erosive surfaces begin to become wet. Perhaps the removal of the surface layer of the skin and the formation of ulcers.

Diaper dermatitis can be accompanied by streptococcal, staphylococcal or fungal infection. So, probably a fungus infection candida, causing thrush, - the so-called candidiasis dermatitis.

Treatment of diaper dermatitis

If diaper dermatitis is noticed at an early stage and properly treated, it passes in two to three days. When diaper dermatitis is very important time to change diapers, so that the child does not stay in a wet diaper for a very long time. Disposable diapers are changed every 3-4 hours or as soon as the baby pokakal, while necessarily washing the child.

When fighting diaper dermatitis, you need rule out overheating child (do not swaddle too tightly, maintain the optimal temperature in the room). Well, if 15-20 minutes a day the baby will take an air bath.

To combat irritation used special ointments and creams, mainly - with the content of zinc. At an easy stage Desitin is used, on medium and heavy - d-Pantenol and Bepanten. They have anti-inflammatory and tightening effect. Creams and ointments are applied daily to the affected areas of the skin with a thin layer during swaddling.

You should use only those creams that are designed specifically for children. Creams for adults can cause allergies and aggravate diaper dermatitis. Damaged skin can not be treated with hydrogen peroxide, zelenok, iodine and other antiseptics!

It is necessary to watch, that a skin of the child was not too dry or too wet. Wet skin is dried with powder or special ointments, dry moistened with oil or cream.

If diaper dermatitis is accompanied by a bacterial infection, candidiasis, an allergy, it is necessary consult a doctor! It is also worth contacting the pediatrician for diaper dermatitis of a severe stage, without trying to do self-medication.

Prevention of diaper dermatitis

Diaper dermatitis can be warn. For this, follow all the rules of the child'shygiene, regularly change diapers, bathe and wash the baby. If the diaper is dirty, you need to replace it immediately! Before any contact with the skin of the baby, carefully wash your hands. If your child has sensitive skin, it is better to use diapers instead of gauze diapers.

Let the child several times a day for several minutes without a diaper, after all air baths - good prevention of diaper dermatitis. The first month of a child's life is not advised to swaddle much. During swaddling, the child's dry skin should be lubricated with a baby cream or oil. The baby's bed linen needs to be thoroughly rinsed - diaper dermatitis can cause residue of detergents. Dry bed linen is ironed on both sides.

If you carefully observe all the rules for caring for a newborn, your baby will not face diaper dandruff!

Diaper dermatitis
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