What things a newborn needs: a shopping list
It is considered a bad omen for the mother herselfbuy a future child "dowry" in advance. And although this is nothing more than just a popular belief, many women follow it up to now and do not buy things for newborns themselves. In this case, the preparation of all necessary things for the baby should be done by the relatives of the pregnant woman, while the young mother is in the hospital. What is necessary and urgent to buy? The country of the Soviets will help you make a list of things the baby needs and the items of care.
Things for a newborn: what needs to be foreseen?
Before Hour X there were only a few days and alreadyvery soon your baby will be born! What do you need for a newborn? It's time to check whether everything is ready for the appearance of crumbs in the light. The list of necessary things for a newborn includes clothes, care items, children's cosmetics and first-aid kit.
Most items must be new. Although something may well "be inherited" from older children, it still applies to generally large items such as a stroller, a cot or a swaddling table. And of course, all your purchases should be as high-quality and safe as possible.
On a note! Often there is no need to buy a new onea warm envelope for the newborn. It is not necessary for long, because children grow fast - most likely, you will need it only in the first 2-3 months, and then you will safely change your baby in overalls.
What clothes are needed for a newborn?
Make sure you have ready clothes fornewborn. No matter how beautiful you may seem things from artificial materials - do not buy them, they do not blend well and do not let in air, and the baby's skin should breathe freely. The best material for newborn clothes is a normal cotton fabric.
diapers warm - 6-8 pcs.
diapers easy - 10-12 pcs.
envelope for newborns
Important! Diapers should be large, the best size - 120x120 cm.
Raspashki lungs - 4-5 pcs.
Warm underpants - 4-5 pcs.
bibs - 2 pcs.
apron for feeding from polyvinylchloride - 2 pcs.
Important! Choose only with sutures out. The skin of the baby is very gentle, the seams easily remain rubbed.
bonnet light - 2pcs.
bonnet warm - 1 pc.
warm cap - 1 pc.
sliders - 6pcs.
Important! Buy sliders with fasteners or drawstring on your shoulders. Pants to the waist sometimes look very nice, but the child quickly throws them off, even when asleep.
overall light weight - 3 piece.
costumes for walking - easy and warm, 3 pcs.
warm overalls for walking - 1 pc.
panties, T-shirts, T-shirts, body - several sets
Important! Do not buy baby T-shirts or blouses withnarrow throat - they are hard to put on, besides children do not like clothes that are worn over the head. The best option is a wide collar with a clasp on the shoulder.
socks - 4 pairs
boots, booties
mittens for the youngest (without fingers) "anti-scratch"
bath towel - 2 pcs.
bed linen - 3-4 sets.
Important! A pillow is not needed for the baby's head. But if it seems to you that it is inconvenient for him to sleep at all without a pillow, fold several times the warm diaper and put the baby under his head. But do not use a pillow, especially soft - the child can suffocate in it.
a warm wool blanket - 1 pc.
blanket - 1 piece.
sleeping bag or envelope - 1 pc.
an oilcloth - 2 pieces, one in a cot and one for a changing table
Important! Even in a diaper the child is able to stainbed, and sleeping on a wet mattress is not the best option. In addition, it is not recommended to wear diapers on a regular basis. Instead of an oilcloth it is possible to cover a crib and a little table with special disposable double-sided diapers with a waterproof layer.
Buying clothes for a newborn by yourself or by commissioning this mission to relatives, follow several rules.
Do not buy too much - the child is growing rapidly and many things will outgrow before they need it.
Do not take all things of the same size. It's impossible to predict how fast your baby will grow, but you should always have things ready that will not be too small for him.
Give preference to quality items made from natural materials (preferably cotton).
Clothing for the newborn should be necessarily comfortable and in no case do not constrain the movements of the baby.
What things are needed to care for the baby, except clothes?
Having made sure that the necessary set of clothes is ready, check whether everything is ready to care for the child. Newborns need the following care items:
diapers (many)
cleaning wipes
feeding accessories - bottles, nipples
Important! For artificial feeding, you need at least 9-10 bottles. If you intend to breastfeed, you still need bottles, at least 3 for milk, juice and water.
Sterilizer or at least a large pot for boiling bottles
pacifier-dummy with orthodontic form - 2-3 pcs.
baby bath
Important! Children are often frightened if they bathe them in a large bath. Therefore, the bath is necessary, at least in the first months.
thermometer for measuring water temperature
thermometer for measuring air temperature
scales are not necessary, but sometimes they are useful
Plastic container with lid for dirty child's clothes, 10-12 liters capacity
teethers in the form of rattles, rings
toys - rattles, pendants for a bed, floating toys for a bath, "big toys" for a bed (about 15 cm in height)
Important! Toys should be age-appropriate, but theyyou need a baby from birth. And even if it seems to you that the child does not pay any attention to toys, they create the environment in which he grows and learns to use. Choose toys bright, pure high-grade color. It's very good if the toys are sounding - with music, crackling or singing. And of course, they should be easy to wash!
cotton buds (with stoppers)
comb-brush for hair
scissors with blunt ends
cot with hard mattress and adjustable height of the bottom
Important! The stroller is best chosen with a removable cradle, then it will be much easier for you to organize walks with the baby.
baby changing table
locker or chest of drawers for baby clothes and care products
armchair-table for feeding a child
baby car seat
Important! For children from birth to 2 months instead of slingYou can use a backpack "kangaroo", but it has many drawbacks. Sling is not only more convenient and physiological for the child, but it will help you not to get tired, even when you are already carrying a grown-up baby weighing 16-20 kg
Pay special attention to the choice of diapers. Now, two types of diapers are usually used: gauze reusable and disposable. Gauze diapers can be washed and reused. To single-use so-called "diapers" (from the English pamper - to indulge). It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for the use of diapers and change them at least every 2-4 hours. In hot weather, whenever possible, you should not wear diapers, giving the opportunity to breathe the baby's skin.
Important! Children's items must be made ofquality non-toxic materials. For example, lead paint, which can be painted baby bed, is very poisonous. Therefore, carefully study the material from which this or that care product is made, always ask the seller for a quality certificate of the goods.
What cosmetics do you need for a newborn?
To care for the newborn you will need special children's cosmetics. She has several important differences from the "adult" cosmetics:
It lacks aromatic and coloring additives, which can cause allergies.
In children's cosmetics there are special substances that form a hydrolipid protective film on the skin of the child.
In cosmetic products for children there are no substances useful for "adult" skin, but poisonous for children - for example, hyaluronic acid, retinol, exophyliants, etc.
Very often in the media for children only soft substances that do not irritate the mucosa are used (see the note on the package "without tears")
Check if you have bought everything you need from the list:
baby soap
baby cream
baby oil for skin
protective children's cream - from the sun, wind, cold
baby cosmetic milk
baby shampoo
baby bath foam
wet wipes
sanitary napkins impregnated with oil
powder for prevention of diaper rash
Important! Give preference only to high-quality children's cosmetics, preferably without alcohol, since alcohol dries delicate baby skin.
What should be in the children's medicine chest?
Another important element of the dowry fora newborn is a first aid kit: its composition is extremely important, and you should always have at your fingertips the necessary medicines for the baby. Then in case of disease of your crumbs you will not rush through the night city in search of the on-duty pharmacy, but immediately find the necessary medicine in the first-aid kit.
First aid kit for babies:
sterile bandage narrow and wide
cotton wool, cotton wool, cotton swabs
bactericidal adhesive plaster
furacilin in tablets
potassium permanganate
Important! Iodine for babies is not used, because it, firstly, when processing the wound causes severe burning, and secondly, it is very allergic.
chamomile, a turn for trays (very well help or assist at a swab)
Aspirator (it can be purchased for suction of mucus from the nose)
Children's antipyretic (in liquid form or in the form of special candles for babies)
electronic thermometer
pipettes with a round tip - 2 pcs.
hydrogen peroxide 3%
Important! Any liquid products, including hydrogen peroxide, try to buy immediately with a built-in pipette.
enema, small size, enough 2 pieces
Vaseline oil
gas discharge pipe or syringe No. 1 - 2 pcs.
remedies for intestinal colic (fennel tea, dill water, Espumizan, etc.)
hot-water bottle - the smallest size
Other medications and the detailed contents of the first-aid kit for a newborn will be advised by a pediatrician if necessary.
What else can a newborn need? Share your experience.