How to bring the child to school

August is a hot time for the parents of schoolchildren, it's not far off the first of September, the beginning of the next academic year. So much to do and buy by now! Let's talk about that, how to bring a child to school.
Desirable Do not put off the child's school fees at the last moment: at the end of August in school bazaars and instores start a real boom, in addition, in the season of preparation for school prices usually rise. So we strongly recommend that you bring the child to school in advance: so you will save time, money and nerves.
Before proceeding with the purchase of stationery, clothing and footwear, make a list of what you need to buy. We already in general wrote about what thingsthey need a schoolboy. A more complete list can be obtained at the school in which you recorded your child: there may be some special things to be purchased. Be sure to list all the details so that you can not forget anything and do not buy too much.
In addition to stationery in this list will necessarily include a knapsack and a school uniform. When buying a form it is advisable to fork out and purchase a kit with several interchangeable itemsthat the child does not walk every day in one andthe same: it's boring, and clothes wear out faster. For example, it is good, if the form for the girl will include trousers, a skirt and a sarafan, and the form for the boy is a jacket, vest and a sweater. Well, but that blouses (shirts, turtleneck) should be several, and so clear. Also do not forget about the sports suit and shoes (street, sports, replaceable).
Where to buy stationery and clothes for school? It is generally accepted that everything is cheaper in the market. Firstly, this is not always the case. Secondly, stores usually offer better quality goods, which, if necessary, can be exchanged or returned (if, of course, you keep the check). As for the flea market, most likely, in August, crowds of parents with children will be in stores and in markets. Therefore, as we have already said, many things are worth buying in advance.
However, please note that the purchase of school and sports uniforms, as well as shoes, is better still postponed to the end of summer. Children at this age are growing rapidly, and it may happen that the clothes and shoes bought in advance will be small by the first of September.
Try do not make all purchases on the same day. Trying to buy everything at once, you, ratherin total, spend more money, but the quality of your acquisitions can help you. One day, take away the purchase of stationery, the other - for the purchase of clothing. Another highlight is the "control" day for buying those things that you forgot or could not buy earlier.
Desirable go shopping with your child. It can be more tiring, but not worth itforget that stationery can be a good motivation for learning. When a child likes his notebooks, pencils, covers, he and learn more pleasant. Therefore, be interested in his opinion, getting everything you need for school: it is up to him to use these things. Although too bright design can distract from study, so try to find a compromise. In no case should you not buy a backpack without a child, because its shape should fit the child anatomically.
Fees for school will surely fly into you a pretty penny. Therefore, you either need to start saving money in an untouchable "school fund" in advance, or make purchases gradually within a month, otherwise late in August you will be on the edge. but no matter how much you want to cut costs, you do not need to save on quality: remember that the miser pays twice.
Collecting a child in school is not an easy task. However, if you compile a list in advancenecessary and will approach the process of buying responsibly, without trying to buy everything at once, the process of preparing for the school will be much more effective. In addition, with the bulk of the difficulties usually encounter parents of first-graders, in the following years you will know which aspects of school fees are worth paying special attention to.