How to replenish Webmoney

Recently, the online space has becomejust a wonderful tool for finding all sorts of information and leisure, but also provides a lot of opportunities for earning, buying various goods, paying for services. Online payment system Webmoney today is the leading service providing such opportunities. Instant translations make life easier for every user and save a lot of time. Let's consider in more detail ways how to replenish the Webmoney account.

How to replenish the balance of the Webmoney wallet

The developers were concerned about the usability and availability of service management. As a result, today there are many ways to replenish the Webmoney account.

How to replenish Webmoney

This procedure is carried out by means of such systems:

  • payment terminals;

  • exchange Webmoney points;

  • bank card;

  • electronic money payment systems;

  • remittance;

  • cash registers of retail networks;

  • bank transfer;

  • Internet banking;

  • Postal transfer;

  • through the bank branch;

  • transfer to the Guarantor for storage;

  • prepaid cards and vouchers;

  • from the mobile phone account to Webmoney.

How to refill Webmoney from your phone

How to replenish Webmoney

Because the mobile phone is everydaycompanion of every modern person, this gadget is always at hand. This is due to the popularity of using the device to replenish the balance of your Webmoney account. Currently, users of WM Keeper Standard (Mini) and WebMoney Transfer can deposit money to their WMR purse directly from the account. As a rule, the telephone number used for this is used, which was specified during registration and is listed in the certificate. It is also possible to deposit funds from other numbers, however, after a short procedure of their reinforcement to the account.

Important! Carry out this transaction can subscribers of mobile operators, such as: MTS, Beeline, Baykalvestkom and MegaFon.

How to replenish Webmoney

So, to replenish WebMoney from the phone you need to do the following simple manipulations:

  1. Log in to your account and go to the "Purses" category. Then click on the "Refill" option and select the "From Mobile Phone Account" menu option.

  2. Then the system will redirect to the site of the TelePay service, where you can transfer money to the purse balance from any number of the mobile operator.

  3. If you have already attached a phone number earlier, then you need to pass authorization in the system under your WMID and proceed to the "Attach phone account" tab.

  4. Otherwise, the system will offer to enter data e-mail, phone or WMID and register the user automatically.

  5. After that, go to the menu "Transfer funds from phone to purse", where you can enter the amount to pay on the Webmoney wallet. Confirm the action by clicking "Continue".

  6. The mobile phone will receive a message about sending a request for funds transfer, after which an SMS message with information about the transaction confirmation will arrive.

  7. To confirm the operation, you must send a response SMS indicating any text, except the number "0".

  8. Done! After a short period of time, the funds will go to the specified WebMoney WMR purse.

How to replenish Webmoney

Important! For replenishing the balance from the mobile phone account, the operator charges the commission in the following amount:

  • MTS - 11.6%;

  • MegaFon - 9.1%;

  • Beeline - 8.5%;

  • Baikalwestcom - 5.9%;

  • Tele2 - 19.2%.

Thus, replenishment of the account of the Webmoney pursethrough the phone is the easiest and fastest way to deposit money. Use the capabilities of the payment system to achieve the maximum comfort of service.

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