How to find a phone

Losing the phone these days is not easy.lose the right numbers and messages, it's even more than deprivation of a valuable thing. This is a leak of personal and professional information, which, if you fall into the hands of intruders, may pose a serious danger to the owner of the phone. Open access to bank accounts, documents and data of the owner, in his social networks and mail - this is a real tidbit for scammers. The methods of detecting the loss will be discussed in this article.

How to find your phone at home

The most innocent loss is when you accuratelyknow that your phone is within your home or in places where you were previously, but at least it's safe. It happens, however, that the device with a mute sound or a dead battery disappears from sight and it is not necessary to expect that it will respond. First of all, restore the chain of your movements and remember when the phone caught your eye for the last time. Examine the house places such as joints of seats and backs of upholstered furniture, as well as its linen compartments, where the device could fail.

How to find a phone

If you are not the first time in thissituation, we advise you to install one of the applications on your phone, which gives a signal if you hear the master's cotton or whistle, and does this, even if the gadget is in silent mode.

How to find a lost phone by satellite

Where is the more serious situation, if your valuablethe phone was stolen or lost by you outside the house. However, do not despair, as there are several exits. To find a device using satellite communication, you should contact a mobile company, and preferably one of your friends worked there. Otherwise, ask if there was a GPS transmitter in your phone's software, which is used specifically for this purpose.

How to find a phone

In addition, there is an application by installingwhich by registering on the official website, you can know about the exact location of your phone. All the time, while the device is working, GPS signals emit from it. Advantages of this method is that it works regardless of whether the SIM card is inserted into it, but it is only feasible with connection to the network and only on the smartphone.

Attention: Be vigilant and do not become a victim of scammers who promise you to track the location of your property in some other way! Only satellite communication can solve this problem.

How to find imei phone by yourself

Theoretically, this is possible, and many people blindlybelieve that they will be able to return their lost phone, only by entering a sequence of numbers into an allegedly database on the Internet. To destroy this myth, it is worth noting: this database does exist, but it is available only to law enforcement agencies that give orders to the mobile company, where all the work takes place.

How to find a phone

If the phone, for example, losesa senior official or other major person, it can be guaranteed that his phone will be found. Simple people hope that someone will be free to look for his phone, not worth it. If you are offered to perform such a search online, paying a certain amount, then be sure: this is a fraud. There are only a few sites where codes of imei of lost or found phones are collected and everyone can find there their loss. But the database is very small, and how small is the probability that you will find something.

How to find a phone number

Honestly speaking, this is an even more naive method thansearch on imei. Again, in theory, to track the location of the SIM card is possible, but who of the attackers, tell me, will continue to use your number? It's true, "Simka" is the first thing that is thrown out after the phone hits the hands of the kidnappers. By writing an application to the police, you just calm down your conscience, but believe me, employees have much more important duties than searching for another lost phone.

You can find your device only ifThe new owner of the phone will show sluggishness and in time will not throw out your sim card. Another way out: Megaphone "Navigator" If time to take care of prevention, then the search for a phone can be crowned with success. One such method is a service from Megafon company called "Navigator". With its help, you can even determine where your friends are now, if you and they are subscribers of Megafon or MTS.

How to find a phone

Search for the loss is similar to satellite,described above. The service is not free, but you can pay for security and peace of mind. MTS Latitude application Another method of satellite communication with the phone. Search for a subscriber but the number can be done by contacting the company office, the main thing is to have an identity document with you and be connected to the service. The procedure does not take much time. Do not try to contact the mobile operator without documents that would confirm that the number belongs to you, employees will be refused.

How to find a phone through Google

Using the application Find my Lost Phone, whichYou can install it on Google Play for free, it's possible to track down the lost phone. If you often lose sight of your phone, this service is for you. The service also includes a GPS search function. One can be said to appease a little victim of robbers. Put yourself in their place: they steal to get rid of the phone as soon as possible and get money. This means that it is unlikely that they are interested in your correspondence and messages, on the contrary, to God forbid the phone was not found, absolutely all data is deleted from it as quickly as possible. Unless, of course, the phone was not kidnapped for another purpose.

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