We learn the account on the card of the Savings Bank through the Internet
To date, Internet technology has long beenentered our life and became irreplaceable helpers not only in communication, searching for information, but also in solving domestic issues. With the help of the World Wide Web, we can not only buy goods and services, but also successfully monitor our financial condition. If you are a holder of a payment card of Sberbank, from now on you can easily find out the costs and profits for a certain time, what transactions were made from your bank card, and, most importantly, look at the account on the card.
Step one, we connect the service "Mobile Bank"
If you have a desire to use everythingrange of services of Sberbank through the Internet, you will need to connect the service "Mobile Bank". It is done in three ways: by means of ATMs or terminals for payments, with the help of the call center operator of Sberbank or in any branch with the participation of a consultant. The most convenient way to do this is by using a payment terminal or ATM, following the prompts of the menu, it will take you just over two minutes.
For reference: if you plan to connect this service in the phone mode, call one of the numbers of the contact center (495) 500-00-05, (495) 788-92-72, (800) 729 -3-747. To the consultants, you will need to provide your passport data and answer the check questions posed regarding the opening of your card.
In all three cases, you select the appropriate tariffplan (enough Econom), confirm your mobile phone, to which this option will be further attached, wait for 24 hours, when the service is activated.
After activating this option, you getnotification to the mobile phone. As soon as you receive SMS with information that your card is connected to the "Mobile Bank", you should receive a special ID and a control password for entering the Sberbank system. This can be done through a payment terminal, ATM or using the customer support service of Sberbank. Do not disclose your password and identification code, keep it in a place that is inaccessible to unauthorized persons.
Checking the status of the account online
After you have tied your card to the service"Mobile Bank", to control your savings on the card is even easier. To do this, you will need to go to the site sbrf.ru (Sberbank's representation in the network), enter the ID and the received password, and then you will see the windows with the status of your payment card account.
In the "My Bank Cards" menu that opens, you will see the amount that is currently on your payment card.
If you want to know in detail not only about the currentbalance of your card of the Savings Bank, but also about its period of use, limit, which department is issued and when, you just need to click on the card number (there may be several), and then all the information that interests you will appear before you.
After you could check the money on your account and find out the information you need, you must necessarily leave the online system in order to warn your account of fraudulent activities.
As you can see, nothing super complicated is tosee the account on the map no. The menu of this system is designed in an understandable and convenient form. It is now easier to keep track of your funds. Let the state of your balance only increase!