Headache: types, causes and methods of struggle
Headache is an uninvited guest, which is alwayscomes suddenly and is completely in no hurry to disappear. Stress, neurosis, time trouble, sleep and nutrition disorders, chronic diseases - all these and dozens of other factors can provoke malaise. How to recognize the most common types of headaches and what to do to relieve the painful syndrome?
Pain caused by stress is a frequent companionmodern way of life. Lack of sleep, lack of oxygen, chronic fatigue, sudden fatigue, conflict in the family or at work - and now there is an unpleasant symptom: "pressing" sensation, girdling like a whiskey or neck wrap. Such an attack does not completely deprive the patient from working, and it is easy enough to remove it - by a small warm-up, a ten-minute rest in silence, a walk in the fresh air, a series of deep breaths. As a preventive measure, good massages, fitovanny, acupuncture and exercise therapy.
Wavy, "bundle" pain. They can be recognized by the locations of localization - the eye cavities: painful sensations are concentrated "around" and "behind" the eyes. Such pain is paroxysmal: a series of "attacks" can last from several days to several months, disappearing and appearing again. The reasons for its occurrence are still unknown to medicine, but fortunately, there is a remedy for the removal of the "bundle" syndrome. Drugs-tryptans are able to significantly reduce the severity, duration and number of "waves".
Migraine is an incurable vascular disease,Tearing about a quarter of the world's population. It is accompanied by intense pains, nausea, vomiting, intolerance to light, smells and sounds. To facilitate the condition, the analgesics prescribed by a specialist will help in the first phase of an attack and tryptans - in the second. People suffering from migraines are extremely important moderate exercise and a clear regime.