Common causes of back pain
Backache Is a symptom of many serious diseases andignore it in any case impossible. Back pain can cause "harmless" muscle loads, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the internal organs. What are the main causes of back pain?
Back pain can be "episodic", for example, after excessive exercise, prolonged exposure in an uncomfortable position, or chronic. Pain can be tried to drown by painkillers, but if you do not eliminate the cause that causes it, the pain will return again.
The back of a person is an extremely complex structure ofmuscular, cartilaginous, bone, and nervous tissues. If the normal state of any of the components of this complex structure is disturbed, there is pain in the back. Pain is an alarm and timely treatment will help to normalize the back.
Among the diseases that cause back pain, "lead" deformation of intervertebral discs, intervertebralhernia, scoliosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis. In addition, back pain can cause diseases of the kidneys, stomach, pancreas, pelvic organs, heart. Each of these diseases can be successfully treated if you notice manifestations in the early stages. In this case, the formulation of an accurate diagnosis is extremely important.
It is necessary (!) To see a doctor for diagnosis, if the pain in the back is the following:
- numbness, tingling in the limbs, difficulty in controlling the limbs;
- there is a pain in the back, "giving" in the leg;
- there is an increase in pain in the back with coughing, bending;
- In addition to back pain, there was a fever, a burning sensation when urinating;
- aching pain in the back is felt in the prone position, when getting out of bed.
The exact causes of back pain can be determined only by a doctor, therefore, having felt a pain in a back, it is necessary to pass a complex survey at experts.
With back pain in the side, you need to prepare for a visit therapist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, urologist, nephrologist, traumatologist, pulmonologist, surgeon. Women should also be examined by a gynecologist.
With pain in coccyx (cocci), you should visit neurologist, traumatologist, proctologist, surgeon, with pain in sacrum (sakrodinia) - urologist, gynecologist, neurologist, orthopedist, oncologist.
In occasion of a pain in a thoracal department of a back it is necessary to address to such doctors as a neurologist, traumatologist, gastroenterologist,oncologist, vertebrologist (specialist in the spine), osteopath. Help in the treatment of this type of back pain will also have: a physiotherapist, a massage therapist, a manual therapist.
Causes of back pain in the shoulder girdle can be established when visiting a rheumatologist, traumatologist, orthopedist, endocrinologist, physiotherapist.
After the causes of back pain are clarified andthe doctor is diagnosed correctly, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment, which may be medicated or surgical, depending on the disease. Often, in addition to the basic treatment, the patient is assigned special therapeutic exercise, a course of therapeutic massage.
Always remember that you yourselfprescribe yourself a treatment of back pain in no case impossible! Any manipulation of the back without making an accurate diagnosis is fraught with deterioration and complications!