Childbirth at 35-36 weeks old

At this time of pregnancy many future mothersalready begin to feel some changes in their body: the stomach begins to drop a little, it becomes easier to breathe, some women even notice training fights - a normal phenomenon at 8 months of pregnancy. With such precursors, many are beginning to fear that childbirth may occur earlier than the due time. Is it worth it to be afraid and how much premature births are dangerous for mom and baby?

Preterm delivery at 35-36 weeks of gestation

If we believe statistics, such an outcomepregnancy occurs in about 7% of Russians. More often the start of early delivery is provoked by gynecological and obstetrical pathologies, as well as infectious diseases that the woman suffered in the previous 8 months. But the causes of preterm birth may be different:

  • increased uterus tone;

  • pathology of the genital organ;

  • polyhydramnios;

  • presentation or detachment of the placenta;

  • leakage of amniotic fluid.

Of no small importance is the general health of the future mother. So, labor before the term can provoke extragenital pathologies, which do not refer to gynecological:

  • kidney and adrenal diseases;

  • endocrine disorders in the body: the failure of the secretion of thyroid hormones, pituitary and ovarian diseases;

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

In addition, women can be given birth in 35-36 weeks, in the womb of which a rather large fetus develops. Important role can play a great stress or physical load.

It should be understood that the differences between obstetric andThe actual period of pregnancy can vary up to 12-14 days. This explains the fact that births at week 36 often give birth to fully healthy, full-term babies who, according to all indicators, respond to a 38-week development. Therefore, such early births in a number of cases is a completely normal physiological process.

Childbirth at 36 weeks: dangerous or not

With confidence, we can say that for momthere is no danger in the birth of the child at week 36, since the baby during this period already takes a physiological position for a normal passage through the birth canal. Most likely, early delivery will be a great stress for a woman due to the unexpected onset of this process. However, in some cases, there may be a lack of lactation in the postpartum period, but with the help of qualified health workers this process can be adjusted in the first days after the baby's birth.

Childbirth at 35-36 weeks old

For a child born before the due date,there is also no great danger, since by this time most of his organs can already work outside the mother's womb. Of course, such children need special attention and care in the first months of life from both mother and perinatal center specialists. But today medicine has all the necessary knowledge to fully exit babies born from the 22nd week of intrauterine development, whose weight is slightly more than 500 grams. Modern therapeutic methods provide an opportunity to support the normal development of premature babies and prepare them for further normal growth.

Childbirth at 35-36 weeks old

The weight of the child at 36 weeks gestation: the norm

At this time of pregnancy the baby weighs approximately2200-2700 grams, and its height is 42-47 cm. But these parameters are individual and can depend on the nutrition of the future mother during the bearing of the baby, the physiological characteristics of the parents and other factors.

During this period, the fetus begins activelyaccumulate subcutaneous fatty tissue, so its weight is rapidly approaching normal values. The 36-week-old baby has already rounded cheeks and the body is rather plump.

Childbirth at 35-36 weeks old

It is worth noting that with proper care for the born premature baby and established nutrition in the first month after birth, he overtakes the weight of his full-term peers.

The doctors' opinion on premature delivery at week 36

By that time most of the bodies are already fullyis formed, but at the 36th week of development, this process is completed for the immune, respiratory and endocrine systems. Most of these babies are already capable of independent breathing, but if the lungs do not open, they are observed in the intensive care unit.

Problems with thermoregulation are common,because the existing fatty layer is not yet able to fully retain heat. In some premature infants, neurological disorders may appear immediately after birth or with age, which can manifest itself in sleep disturbances, weak reflexes, anxiety and hyperexcitability.

Childbirth at 35-36 weeks old

There is a risk of a prolonged flow of jelly, which is associated withwith a large accumulation of bilirubin in the body. Because of weak immunity and underdevelopment of the respiratory system, such babies run the risk of contracting pneumonia, so they have to spend the first time after birth in a cuvette - the so-called incubator for newborns.

In general, doctors do not see the danger in premature birth. The studied statistical data confirm that the percentage of their complications and pathologies does not exceed the normative values.

Reviews of those who gave birth in 36 weeks

Women who gave birth at week 36, in mosttheir positively respond about the most generic process and the state of the baby. Of course, there are special features, but obvious pathologies of development are extremely rare.

Tatyana: "The first boy appeared at the appointed time, but I did not tell my girl a little. Contractions began at 36 weeks, which I was not ready for. But the birth itself was normal, nothing special, only they stayed longer in the hospital, they were discharged only on the 8th day. The daughter weighed 3,180, height 49 cm. In a month they were no different from other girls. "

Childbirth at 35-36 weeks old

Milan: "I have a girl in 36 weeks. and 4 days was born. We drove 2760, said that it was a little immature. There was a jelly, dripping us and doing phototherapy. The week was spent in the hospital, and then there was so much in the children's hospital. And so nothing, we grow like everyone else. "

Inna: "I gave birth to my son on 36 and 2 days, weight was 3050, full but immature. In the maternity hospital a lot of weight lost, and then for a month all was typed up to norm. The only thing, the breast did not want to suck, so it was necessary to feed from a bottle. And jaundice was, but it's not scary. "

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