The second pregnancy
Every woman, once a mother, desiresto reveal the light of the second baby. This is a joyful and exciting event, which is often overshadowed by anxious thoughts and fears. I want to know how the second pregnancy will pass, and how this period will differ from the first. In this article, we'll look at important aspects that will help you tune in and overcome doubts, giving birth to a beautiful baby.
The second pregnancy and its features
The first thing that lies in wait for a woman duringrepeated gestation of the fetus - varicose veins. Even if this disease did not affect you during the first pregnancy, this time you need to be ready for the appearance of vascular asterisks. For this reason it is necessary to stock up in advance the means of prevention - compression stockings or special creams.
The second pregnancy is different from the first onethat the risk of miscarriage increases. In addition, a scar on the uterus can become a problem if the first birth took place with the help of Caesarean section. In this case, there is a risk of placental insufficiency, improper attachment of the placenta, threat of premature termination of pregnancy, etc.
Anemia is a common phenomenon thatoccurs at the second pregnancy much more often than at the first. If in the previous delivery the mother experienced intensive bleeding and in the current period doctors diagnose low hemoglobin (less than 70), then a serious recovery course of treatment, which will be prescribed by the attending physician, is necessary.
Early terms - this feature applies to absolutelyevery woman. It is expressed in the fact that the manifestations and symptoms of the second pregnancy become more pronounced than in the first experiment. This is due to the fact that the uterus after birth will not be reduced to a maiden state, but will remain slightly enlarged. Therefore, the second bearing of the fetus becomes more noticeable about 1 month earlier: the expectant mother begins to feel the child inside, his movement, reduction of the digestive tract,
Lactation is another test for the femaleAn organism that does not always go smoothly when the second fetus is born. In particular, complications often occur if the first lactation period is not yet completed, and you again decide to become a mother. During breastfeeding in the female body there is an intensive consumption of trace elements, substances and vitamins to provide the baby with full-fledged feeding. It is for this reason that the condition of hair, teeth, and nails deteriorates. A new pregnancy will only exacerbate the situation. However, the main danger lies in the fact that with the stimulation of the nipples begins the production of oxytocin - a hormone that provokes contraction of the uterus. Therefore, the second pregnancy and childbirth may be at risk of miscarriage.
Emotional restructuring
The second pregnancy has its own characteristics, andfuture mothers are often not so keen on their condition, as in the previous time. They need to follow the first child and do a lot of necessary things. In addition, now that there is a complete picture of his condition, many things stop worrying and women are less worried. However, the reverse side of the coin is a sense of guilt. Sometimes future women in childbirth believe that they give insufficient attention to the future crumbs. But do not worry, because in fact, this feeling of confidence in their actions and tranquility. And there will be enough time for caring after the baby's birth.
During 2 pregnancies, a difficulty may occurwith what to say to the first child, because many children are jealous of their mother and begin to be very capricious. In this case it is important to explain the situation to the child as soon as possible. Try to connect it to the process of preparing for the emergence of a new person in the family. Be sure to explain to the firstborn that he will in no case become less loved or important for the parents. Try to convey to him the feeling that you rely on his help and that he could take care of the brother or sister with special trepidation.