Cleaning of cerebral vessels
Cleaning of cerebral vessels is an importantcomponent of the life of people caring about their health. This procedure will help improve memory and prevent the occurrence of serious diseases, including age-related.
Cleaning of blood vessels
What to do to prevent the brain from growinga cholesterol plaque? How to protect yourself from sclerosis in old age? How to improve memory and improve the effectiveness of training? With all these questions help to understand medicine.
There are a number of drugs for cleaning the cerebral vessels from cholesterol plaques and the means that prevent their formation.
Start any cleaning of the body, first of all,it is necessary with proper nutrition. Balanced diet provide stable blood flow and supply of all organs with oxygen and vitamins. But there are some products that help purify the blood vessels of the brain.
Products for cleaning:
olive oil;
dried apricots.
Eliminate from the diet of harmful food: smoked products, alcohol, confectionery, too sharp or salty foods.
To clean brain vesselsIt is necessary in a complex with physical exercises that improve blood flow. For prevention it will be useful to do exercises every day before lunch. It is not necessary to get up early in the morning, but it is important to do the exercises in the morning, because the body at this time is the most active and receptive. Focus on breathing and cardio.
Corking of cerebral vessels can becomecause serious diseases and even premature death. If one of the following symptoms is detected, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and undergo an examination.
Symptoms of obstruction of vessels:
noise (ringing) in the ears;
chronic fatigue;
attacks of severe headache;
memory impairment;
Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor prescribes these or other preparations for cleaning the vessels from cholesterol plaques or for the expansion of cerebral vessels.
With atherosclerosis:
Vitamin A, E, C;
Folk remedies
Non-traditional medicine has always helpedto cope with the majority of illnesses, including with cleaning the vessels of the brain. This task perfectly handles garlic tincture, infusion of dandelion roots, bark of red mountain ash.
The following recipe will help not only to cleansevessels of the brain from cholesterol plaques, but also improve memory and improve performance. Mix five chopped walnuts with a tablespoon of light honey and a grated chunk of fresh pineapple. Place the mixture in a dish of opaque glass or clay, seal and place in a dark cabinet for a day. Take the drug should be three to four times a day for 30 minutes before eating one tablespoon for 30 days. To fix the result, you can repeat the course in 6 months.
Vascular cleaning from cholesterol plaquesdrugs traditional medicine or folk remedies will not have the proper effect, if not lead a healthy lifestyle. Getting rid of bad habits and balanced nutrition is the key to the health of not only the brain, but the entire body.