Sunny stroke: symptoms and treatment
A sun stroke is called a pathologicalThe condition that arises from the prolonged action of the sun's rays on the surface of the head. The result is overheating, causing vasodilation, local fever and changes in cerebral circulation in adults and children.
In some cases, the desire to get a tanso great that the need to use protection against high temperatures and sunlight is forgotten. Hot weather and considerable physical activity in combination with a number of other factors lead to disruption of the thermoregulation process, and then to hyperthermia. The result is a heat stroke.
Sunstroke is a characteristic
The sunstroke is one of the manifestations of heat, but because of a different mechanism of development, the nosology distinguishes this pathological condition in a separate clinical form.
A sun stroke from a child and an adult causeshyperinsolation, that is, a large portion of the sun's rays, which for a long time acts on the surface of the human head. The rest of the body does not include hyperthermia (this is also the difference between heat and sun impact and, consequently, the further reaction of the body).
The pathogenesis of the syndrome is as follows:
The cortex is exposed to direct sunlight (usually from 11 to 17 hours a day);
there is a rapid increase in the local temperature;
there is a reaction in the form of redness and swelling of all the membranes of the brain;
structures of the central organ of the central nervous system are overflowed with cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid), the brain is compressed;
increased blood pressure;
there are violations in the work of the centers that control the functionality of internal organs and body systems;
the result - severe disorders of the patient's body and death.
Important! Sunstroke requires immediate assistance, since the possibility of developing a number of serious consequences increases with every minute.
Hyperthermia of the surface of the head appears preciselyunder the influence of infrared radiation. It is able to penetrate into tissues and body systems to a considerable depth, causing anatomical and physiological changes and disturbances.
The main causes of the syndrome are:
lack of protective equipment (first of all, headgear);
physical activity during the time when the sun is at the zenith;
absence of wind on the street;
long walks, stay on the seashore at rush hour;
treatment of a number of drugs that disrupt the balance of thermoregulation;
reception of high-calorie food and the use of alcohol in the conditions of an unusual temperature regime (individual reaction).
Opportunity to meet with aggressive actiondirect sunlight increases if a person has problems with pressure, heart, abnormal body weight. Nervousness, tobacco smoking, one-year-old and elderly age are additional factors that increase the risk of development of the problem.
The differentiation between the thermal anda sunstroke in a child and an adult is an important point for first aid. Doctors need to know what area and structure of the body of the victim should pay close attention.
Symptoms and treatment of sunstroke in adults and children are individual points of the problem that need to be carefully studied, especially by parents having kids.
Consequences of sunstroke
Symptoms of sunstroke need to be stopped immediately, as the pathological condition is fraught with the following possible complications:
impaired breathing;
heart and vascular insufficiency;
decreased visual acuity;
lack of coordination;
Symptoms (signs) of sunstroke
The clinic may vary depending on thethe severity of the condition of the victim. The symptomatology depends on the duration of the person's stay under direct sun rays, the time to eliminate the provoking factor.
Nosology suggests that
easy degree
pathology is characterized by:
significant weakness;
attacks of nausea and vomiting;
tachycardia and frequent breathing;
dilated pupils.
On a note! The pressure may rise or remain normal.
Signs of sunstroke
gravity are manifested:
decreased efficiency;
change in gait;
unrestrained nausea and vomiting.
The patient loses consciousness, tachycardia and frequent breathing, epistaxis, hyperthermia (fever) to 39 and more degrees.
Symptoms of sunstroke
develop suddenly;
the patient has a red face, which later changes color to the opposite color (blue);
consciousness is broken down to coma;
there are cramps;
there is incontinence of urine and feces;
hallucinations are possible;
body temperature rises rapidly to 41 and above degrees.
There are a number of factors on which depends how much the temperature is maintained during a sunstroke:
what kind of severity of pathology arose;
duration of the period from the time of the problem to the first aid in case of a sunstroke;
the presence of concomitant diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system;
individual features of the organism of an adult and a child;
conducting medical treatment.
Important! Mortality in the case of severe pathology may reach 30%.
Symptoms of sunstroke in children developmuch faster and heavier than adults. For the baby's body, a sudden change in temperature and stay in the heat and hot sun - a lot of stress. Parents can meet the ambulance team with complaints about the following symptoms:
weakness, drowsiness;
indomitable vomiting;
temperature rise up to 40 degrees;
headaches and dizziness in the child;
severe stunning;
low blood pressure (if measured at home);
lack of consciousness;
Specialists distinguish several nosological forms of sunstroke in a child and an adult:
Asphyxic variant - symptoms of sunstrokemanifested by a violation of breathing, heart failure. For a severe degree, changes are characteristic of the nervous system and the physiological activity of the centers that are located in the brain and regulate the work of the internal organs.
The cerebral variant is manifested by severe damage to the nervous system, seizures, severe weakness, headaches, fever of up to 41 degrees. High probability of coma development.
The gastroenteric variant is characterized bysymptoms of damage to the digestive system. Against the backdrop of a sunstroke in parallel with vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, body temperature may rise in the form of fever up to 40 degrees.
Hyperthermic variant - the main symptomthere is a rapid increase in body temperature. It is observed reaching a mark on the thermometer at 42 degrees. The temperature curve is held at prohibitively high figures. There is a fever, that is, the temperature is combined with a chill or a feeling of heat, an aching in the body, a pain in the muscles.
Important! The reaction of the patient's body to a sunstroke (or heat) can be different, so clinicians decided to combine a number of symptoms into syndromes. This allows for faster differential diagnosis with other diseases and an appropriate treatment.
What to do with a sunstroke
Many readers are probably interested in what to do if they received a sunstroke. It does not matter who is injured - you, your loved ones or just an unfamiliar person.
First of all it is necessary to call a team of qualified doctors. Before their arrival, you should:
eliminate the provoking factor of sunstroke;
reduce the heat of the surface of the head;
monitor the activities of vital organs and systems;
minimize the likelihood of complications.
First aid in case of sunstroke
Thermoregulation should be restored, otherwise the probability of development of the effects of sunstroke increases tens of times.
First out-of-hospital care
The first thing to do is normalizetemperature regime around the victim. The patient should be taken to a shade or a cool room. Further, it is important to place the patient on a hard surface with a raised leg end. Keep your head turned to one side. This is the stage of prevention of leakage of vomit into the respiratory tract.
The patient may have difficulty breathing. Access to fresh air, fan blowing, the presence of an air cooling system in the room - the factors that should be used to provide extra-medical care.
Use of cool water
This stage of assisting with a solar strike consists of several:
the imposition of a cool compress on the occiput, tops, temples - the optimum water temperature is within the range of 20-22 degrees;
Spraying of water on the upper part of the trunk;
prevention of dehydration (give plenty of water to drink at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, if a person is conscious).
In addition to ordinary water without gas, you can use Regidron (sold at a pharmacy), a home-made solution from water, salt and sugar (the stage of recovery of electrolyte levels in the body).
Help with fainting
Fainting against a background of sunstroke may occurin the case of cardiac pathology, a sharp drop in blood pressure, a change in blood flow velocity through the vessels of the brain, against a background of fever and dizziness. Provoking factors can be and accompanying human diseases.
If a syncope occurs, the following actions should be taken:
Release the victim from clothing, especially in the neck and chest.
Provide access to fresh air.
Lay so that your legs are above your head.
Carry out a measurement of blood pressure, heart beat frequency. It is necessary to observe the physiological indicators before the arrival of doctors.
Let inhale a couple of ammonia solution (ammonia).
Important! In the absence of vital indicators, resuscitation should begin.
At a solar blow it is forbidden:
to reduce temperature by consuming cold drinks that contain caffeine;
use alcohol;
to fight fever, apply ice and compresses with very cold water (the reaction of the organism can only worsen the patient's well-being);
independently use drugs to combat the increase in temperature indicators or other symptoms that arose against the background of a sunstroke.
First medical aid (PMP)
How to treat a sunstroke, promptqualified specialists. Treatment of pathology consists in restoring vitally important parameters of the body and correcting the activity and functional state of internal organs through the use of medications.
Restoring the balance of water and electrolytes - against the background of a sunstroke, there is a possibility of dehydration. To prevent use of solutions Ringer, glucose, saline.
Support for the work of the heart and blood vessels is possible through the introduction of cardiotics, cardiac glycosides, drugs that increase blood pressure.
Prevention of the development of cerebral edema is the use of Pentamine. It is a ganglion block, effectively used in such situations.
In severe condition, patients are prescribed oxygen therapy, intubation, pacemaking, diuresis stimulation.
Important! Treatment and attempts to reduce the patient's temperature curve to normal with NSAIDs will not be effective. It is possible to suppress hyperthermia only after cooling the surface of the head.
Treatment of sunstroke at home is notis allowed. Medications, a regimen for their administration and dosage should be prescribed by a qualified doctor, taking into account concomitant diseases and possible complications. Observe the patient during the treatment period will be in the hospital.
How to treat a sunstroke in a child
Skin and head surface of children moresensitive to the possible receipt of a large dose of infrared radiation, so sunstroke in babies occurs more often and faster. There may be whims, tearfulness, irritability, which is replaced by drowsiness and apathy.
These symptoms are followed by reddening of the skin of the faceand head, cephalalgia. The measurement of temperature indicators shows the crossing of the mark at 39-40 degrees, a fever appears. The temperature curve is kept at high degrees even after taking antipyretics. These drugs are contraindicated, but parents, by ignorance, give a drink to children, thinking that the cause of hyperthermia is a cold or GI illness (for example, food poisoning).
First aid in case of a sunstroke in children should be given immediately, because the consequences of the condition, as in adults, may be seizures, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, CNS disease, coma.
Treatment of this form of nosology provides for application in the conditions of a medical and preventive institution:
solutions for intravenous drip infusion;
cardiotonic drugs;
drugs that prevent cerebral edema;
medicines supporting the work of the central nervous system and the respiratory system.
Prevention of sunstroke
Precautions include:
wearing a headdress;
visiting the beach and doing physical work at certain times of the day (before 11 and after 16 pm);
consumption of large quantities of drinking water;
the prohibition to sleep on the beach;
if you can not refuse to visit the beach during the day, choose a tent and use sun protection.
It is better to prevent the appearance of pathology than to waste time and energy on restoring health.