Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

Want to give an excellent souvenir for the New Year,made by yourself? Are you planning to master the manufacture of the original decor for the house on the eve of the New Year? Or maybe you want to learn how to make home toys with your children? If you answered yes to any of these questions in the affirmative, then you definitely should read our today's article. In it we have collected very simple step-by-step master-classes with photos and videos that will help you master the making of Santa Claus figurine from improvised materials. Agree, Santa Claus with his own hands - this is a wonderful gift, and the original decor and a funny toy in one "bottle." Santa Claus costume can be sewn on a pattern, and make his figure from unnecessary things, for example, kapron tights, or make of paper, bottles. Even an ordinary plastic cup can be taken as the basis of Santa Claus with his own hands, and his beard is made of cotton wool. The main thing is to show imagination and make a little effort - and a thematic souvenir for the New Year 2017 will be ready!

How to make Santa Claus from the materials himself, a master class with a photo

The first to your attention we offer a master class withphoto, how to make Santa Claus with his own hands from improvised materials. In the role of improvised materials, very simple and accessible items will perform: eggshells, paper, cotton wool. As a result, from this unpretentious set you will get a very original figure of Father Frost, which you can give or just put under the Christmas tree. Instructions on how to make Santa Claus out of improvised materials by his own hands will be found in the master class below.

Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

Necessary materials to make Santa Claus own hands

  • egg

  • paper napkins

  • glue

  • watercolor

  • a pen

  • red paper

Instructions for the master class, how to make Santa Claus out of improvised materials with his own hands

  1. Take a raw egg and with a knife, make a small groove from above. Gently pour the contents of the egg into the plate, trying not to damage the shell. This will be the basis for the body of Santa Claus.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  2. Carefully wash my egg from the inside and outside under running water. We try not to damage the integrity of the shell.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  3. Let the workpiece dry completely. Then we need to strengthen the base of the figure. So we cover the shell with a layer of glue and fix the pieces of a ragged paper napkin from above. Let's dry a little, and again apply a layer of glue and napkins. In this case, the hole, through which we poured the yolk and protein, is also covered with napkins.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  4. From red paper we make clothes of the GrandfatherFrost. To do this, cut out one wide strip, the length of which will correspond to the diameter of the widest part of the shell. Also, cut out a semicircle with a base equal to the diameter of the upper part of the egg.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  5. We take a paper strip and smear the inner part with glue. We glue in the middle of the workpiece.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  6. From the semicircle, form the cone and glue it together.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  7. We give the cone the shape of the Santa Claus cap and glue it to the top of the workpiece.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  8. We add the pompon from the small cotton ball to the Santa Claus hat.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  9. We take cotton wool and roll long strips of small pieces. With their help, we decorate the base of the Santa Claus hat and coat, gluing on the glue.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  10. Beige watercolor paint color the empty space - the face of Santa Claus.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

  11. After the paint dries completely, draw a gel pen or felt-tip pen on the face of Grandfather Frost.Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

Original Santa Claus toy of kapron tights with his own hands, master class

And you knew that from the usual nylon pantyhoseyou can make your own original toy, for example, Santa Claus? Such a toy turns out very funny and it can easily be presented for the New Year to a child or an adult. However, in order to make the original Santa Claus toy with his own hands from kapron tights, it is desirable to have at least minimal sewing and needlework skills. Therefore, if you are not friendly with threads and needles, then first practice the tailoring of individual parts of the body of the doll.

Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

Materials for the toy Santa Claus from kapron tights with their own hands

  • nylon pantyhose

  • foam rubber

  • velvet fabric of red color

  • thread and needle

  • hot melt

  • artificial fur of white color

  • foam ball

  • cardboard roll

  • buttons, pins

  • paper

Instructions for the master class of Santa Claus from kapron pantyhose with his own hands

  1. To begin with, we make the workpiece for the torso of the GrandfatherFrost. To do this, take a cardboard bushing from a paper towel and glue it with two layers of sintepon. The length of the sintepon should exceed the roll by about 1/3 of its length.

  2. After drying, we band the foam in the place where the sleeve ends. Inside put the foam ball and glue the loose edges of the foam so that a round base for the head turns out.

  3. Pull on top of the base light kapron stocking and tie it tightly at the base of the neck of the toy.

  4. Bottom of the free space in the cardboard sleeve is filled with crumpled newsprint. Then we sew together the free edges of the capron and glue a cardboard circle to the base.

  5. Take a few sewing pins and with their helpproceed to the formation of facial features. In order to make a nose, we fix two pins in the middle with a small gap. Then thread the seats of the clips with thread, so as to give the necessary volume to the nose. By the same principle, we form the cheeks and chin of Santa Claus. Instead of eyes sew small buttons or beads.

  6. Two small pieces of foam rubber are rolled in two rolls and glued together. Then wrap the workpieces in a cloth and stitch it. Also we form big mittens made of foam rubber and fabric, we decorate with fur.

  7. From the red velvet fabric we cut outA rectangle that will form the basis for the Santa Claus fur coat. We sew it to the base with toys. Ahead stick a strip of fur. Also, we make fur from the fur coat and decorate the Santa Claus fur coat from below.

  8. Sew our hands to the torso of Santa Claus. From the remains of fabric and fur, we sew a hat and glue it to the head.

  9. Remnants of fur cut with scissors and glued toa piece of kapron cone-shaped. We give materials on hand to dry, and paste on the face - it will be the Santa Claus beard. If desired, we decorate the fur coat with snowflakes, paillettes, beads, make a bag for gifts with our own hands.

Bright decor for the New Year Santa Claus from a plastic bottle with his own hands, master class

A regular plastic bottle can become brightdecor for the New Year, if you make Santa Claus out of her own hands. Our next master class is very simple to perform, so you can make it real with your children. More details on how to make a bright decor of Santa Claus from a plastic bottle and improvised materials for the New Year with their own hands read further.

Grandfather Frost with his own hands for the New Year 2017 - step by step master classes from improvised materials, plastic bottles, glasses, photos and videos

Necessary materials for Santa Claus from a plastic bottle with his own hands

  • plastic bottle

  • gouache and brush

  • black and white fleece

  • hot melt

  • colored paper

  • wadding

  • artificial fur

  • plastic ball

  • shampoo cover

Instructions for the master class how to make Santa Claus from a plastic bottle with his own hands

  1. First, remove the label and well my bottle outside and inside.

  2. Then take the red gouache and paint the bottle and the lid from the shampoo. Let's dry completely.

  3. In the meantime, we cut out two white fleecenarrow strips: one long in the height of the bottle, and the second should match its width. Glue - one vertically in the middle of the bottle, and the second from the bottom horizontally.

  4. From black fleece we make a belt, and we cut out a buckle from colored paper. Glue in the middle of the bottle.

  5. A plastic ball is glued to the neck of the bottle. From cotton wool or artificial fur we make a beard to Santa Claus. From beads make a nose and eyes.

  6. Cover the shampoo from below with cotton and fix the resulting cap with glue. Santa Claus from a plastic bottle and improvised materials with his own hands - ready!

How to make Santa Claus out of a glass with his own hands, video

Grandfather Frost with his own hands from improvised materials -A universal souvenir that can be made even from a plastic cup. As well as similar versions of master classes Santa Claus from paper, kapron tights and plastic bottles, the next master class with video is as simple as possible in performance. The beard and suit for Santa Claus from a glass with his own hands, of course, are made of traditional cotton wool and cloth, which can also be replaced with paper. There is no complicated pattern in this video, so children will also learn this artwork. For more information on how to make the original Santa Claus from a glass with your own hands, see the video below.

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