Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

For most women, the house is a familynest. And everyone strives to fill the house with warmth, comfort and beauty. Wickerwork from the vine of trees from ancient times adorned the homes of our ancestors. But the vine is far from all trees suitable for such purposes.

Currently, weaving baskets, vasesand other handicrafts you can use improvised materials - newspapers and magazines. The availability of free time and the necessary raw materials will help you to spend time interesting and useful.

Preparation for weaving from newspaper tubes

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

For weaving of tubes you need:

  • newspapers;

  • glue;

  • knitting needles;

  • scissors;

  • paints;

  • paper clips.

For beginners weaving is best to see the process of creating crafts on video. Video lessons will help visualize the necessary rules of weaving.

The first thing that needs to be done is to preparethe right raw materials. The material in our case is newspapers and paper. They are cut into long strips with a width of 5-10 cm, depending on the desired density of the product. You can cut the paper with scissors or use a stationery knife.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Note! To determine the direction of the paper fiber, simply hold several nails along the edge of the sheet. The longitudinal direction does not form irregularities, and with a transverse line the cut immediately becomes wavy. When preparing tubes from newspapers, it is better to use the longitudinal direction.

Then proceed directly to the creationnewspaper tubes. We take the cut out strip and put a spoke on it. The edge of the strip is twisted on the spoke. The edge of the resulting tube is lubricated with glue and allowed to dry.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

In the same way, it is worth making at least 50 pieces. Their number depends on the complexity and size of the product.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

At the preparation stage, you should also decide - you willwhether you paint the tubes before the process of weaving or give the desired color to the finished product. For painting it is better to use acrylic paints or varnishes. After drying, they do not make the surface stiff, which is extremely important when weaving. The tubes should be flexible for easy handling and easily take the required shape.

Weaving the bottom of the tubes of the newspaper for beginners

Now you can start the process itselfweaving baskets or vases with newspaper tubes. And our MC will help in this! The basket is a unique thing that can be used as a storage place for pleasant trifles, and can also become an original gift made by oneself.

Different types of products assume different forms, and, accordingly, different bases.

A square bottom can be suitable for a small basket or a wicker box. A wicker box (or a small chest) looks in the interior simply incomparable!

We take a strip of cardboard and bend it in half. With the help of a puncher, it is necessary to make holes for the tubes at a distance of 1-2 cm.

In these holes, put in pre-preparednewspaper tubes. Now take the paper vine and weave next to the cardboard. Above the first tube, under the second, above the third, this alternation is constantly repeated.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

When we come to an extreme newspaper tube, we make a turn around it and continue the weaving, but already in the opposite direction. If the tube is over, then we glue it to the next one.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Continue weaving the square bottom to the desired size.

For weaving a round bottom of the basket beginner for the first time is better to read a detailed description or study the circuit.

A round cardboard is needed for the base. Take eight tubes and put, as shown in the picture. For convenience, all this can be secured with clothes pegs.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

We take one tube and grab four fixed.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

We fasten the tube and again grasp the next four, as shown in the picture.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

After the first circle is finished, we continue the weaving in the same way, only now we grab not four, but two tubes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Also we continue to weave the round bottom of the vase or basket to the desired volume.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Step by step with a spit from newspaper tubes

After the bottom of your craft is ready, you can safely proceed to weaving the side. So, we do it step by step!

Step # 1. The tubes around which the weaving was made, it is necessary to fold to the middle.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

On the bottom of the basket for convenience, you can put the object for braiding. Such an object can be a very ordinary glass or a cube.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Step number 2. The weaving of the side of the craft continues the same way as the base. The newspaper tube passes first over one stick, under the second, over the third, and so on. If the tube is finished, take the next one and continue until the craft does not reach the desired height.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Remember! All the rows of your weaving should fit tightly to each other, otherwise your work will be in vain, and the craft may disintegrate.

Step No. 3. When the basket has reached the desired height, we use the bend for the edges of the tubes and fix it with paper clips.

If desired, you can insert ribbons or beads between the rows of weaving your crafts to realize your idea. This will give your basket a unique and unusual.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Step # 4. If you decided to give a certain color to the basket, but the previously twisted newspaper tubes were not stained, now is the time to think about it.

For painting it is better to use acrylic paints and varnishes, and also a stain on an alcohol basis. Water stain is best not to use, because the product may lose shape.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

At this stage, you can decorate your product with a variety of decor.

Step number 5. Stiffening. The easiest way to fix the form of your craft is the PVA glue. They need to completely soak the basket and allow it to dry thoroughly.

At your discretion, you can add a handle to the handicraft or similarly weave a lid and use it as a box or chest.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

Video process of weaving from newspaper tubes

In order to better understand all the subtleties of weaving crafts from tubes, you can watch the master class on video.

Photo of products woven from tubes

Crafts made by own hands, have a specialcharm. They are diverse, as seen in the photo, are unique and reflect the inner thinking of their master. A hand-made article made of newspaper tubes can become a wonderful decoration of a home interior or an original gift. A variety of jewelry and patterns give fake author's chic.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners

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