Ambulance for the garden or the disease of apple trees and their treatment

Scab, black cancer and fruit rot - the mostcommon and unpleasant diseases of apples. Their treatment requires a competent approach and a responsible attitude. In addition, it is desirable to regularly carry out preventive procedures in the garden and remove potential outbreaks of infections and pests in a timely manner.

Diseases of apple trees and their treatment in spring and autumn

Ambulance for the garden or the disease of apple trees and their treatment

That the trees were healthy and gave goodharvest, in the autumn it is necessary to collect all the dried leaves, dead branches and a fallow together and burn, so that the pores of infectious and fungal diseases have nowhere to hibernate.

In serious diseases of apple trees, their treatment andIn the spring and autumn, the house must be dealt with systematically. In case of extensive damage to the bark of trees, twice during the season - at the end of February and in the middle of October - spray the garden with a 20% solution of lime milk (2 kg of substance per 10 liters of water + 1/2 kg of 5% copper sulfate).

Fruit rot: treatment and photos of an infected apple

Ambulance for the garden or the disease of apple trees and their treatment

Fruit rot is a fungal disease,spreading marsupial ascomycete. It affects the ripening fruit, covering them with brown spots, rapidly increasing in size. The flesh quickly rot and the apple falls to the ground, becoming completely unfit for consumption.

  • For the treatment of fruit rot, it is recommendeduse the preparation "Hom" (40 g concentrate to a bucket of clean cool water). The prepared mortar treats the entire tree once during the formation of the young leaflets and a second time immediately after the apple tree fades.

  • To prevent the disease, it is possible to spray the tree with emulsion of nitrafen (200 g per 10 l of water), a suspension of colloidal sulfur (100 g of the preparation per 10 l of water) or DNOC (200 g for every 10 l of water)

Treatment of scab in apple trees: instructions and photos

Ambulance for the garden or the disease of apple trees and their treatment

Apple blossom is a type of fungaldiseases affecting young leaves, flowers, petioles, fruits and stems. The first signs of the problem usually appear immediately after bud budding. The tree is covered with small, oil-like specks of a faint yellowish hue. Over time, their color changes and acquires a dull gray shade with a brownish velvety coating. The leaves affected by the disease turn black, dry out and fall early. Then the infection passes to the fruit and they cease to develop evenly.

  • To treat the apple scab in the autumn, sprinkle on the dormant buds with a 5% urea solution.

  • The thickened crown is carefully trimmed, the truncation circle is dug and treated with a more concentrated 7% urea.

  • During the bud blossoming, the tree is sprayed with 4% Bordeaux fluid, then the procedure is repeated after the flowering is complete.

  • If the scab has developed too much, the apple tree is treated every 2-3 weeks, alternating the Bordeaux liquid with a mixture of Azovos (30 g), Bayleton (6 g), Spore (2 ml) and Copper Chloroxid (40 g).

Treatment of apple disease black cancer

Ambulance for the garden or the disease of apple trees and their treatment

Black cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases inapple trees. Symptoms: first of all affects weak trees, arising on the fork of the skeletal branches. First, the stained brown-red spots appear on the infected areas. Then they darken and give the impression that the bark is covered with dull black soot. Over time, the outer shell of the trunk and branches becomes cracked, and from the inside emerges blackened wood.

  • Treatment of apple disease black cancer begins withcleaning of fallen leaves, in which the sources of infection usually fade - fungal pores. Then the diseased branches are ruthlessly removed. They need to be carefully cut with a special tool, heated on a fire or treated with a solution of copper sulfate. Each cut must be disinfected and carefully greased with garden sauce.

  • When the foci of the disease are eliminated, blackenedplaces it is recommended to clean the bark and wash it with a stiff brush moistened with a strong soap solution. To ensure that the contaminated solution does not drain onto a healthy bark, a dense rag should be tied under a diseased area on the trunk. She will absorb the liquid and will not allow the pores of the fungus to move to healthy parts of the tree. At the end of the wound, rinse with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and sprinkle the entire tree with it. During the season, at least 3 times to treat the lesion by turns HOM, copper sulfate and 3-5% mixture of ferrous sulfate. To enhance the overall immunity, sprinkle the whole tree with zircon.

How to keep apple orchard healthy: video instruction

In the video in detail and clearly described the mostcommon diseases of apples and their treatment at home with folk remedies and industrial preparations, this or that disease. In certain cases, use iodine, a laser, use special ointments (for example, sintomycin) and creams, the price of which, as a rule, is low.

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