Autumn work in the garden

You have already successfully harvested a crop of fruits and vegetables and now would like to relax. But, as it turns out, the garden season has yet to be properly completed. therefore A lot of garden work awaits you, which will give you the opportunity to prepare plants and land for winter.
Trees and shrubs require competent care in the fall. In fact right now it is possible to transplant them. This is best done in October-November, when the foliage is already dumped. Do not forget that in autumn you need to cut fruit bushes, such as raspberries, currants, blackberries, etc. To winding plants do not fall and are not damaged because of strong wind and bad weather, it is possible to tie them in the fall. In October, also for the last time, evergreen hedges are cut. They stop growing this month, so in winter they will stay in good shape.
If you want to reproduce ornamental and fruit bushes, now is the time to cut off the cuttings. They should be planted in small containers andCover with polyethylene. To cuttings quickly rooted, they put it on the window sill or behind the glass of a cold hotbed. Some ornamental shrubs can be propagated by air layers. To do this, their branches are bent to the ground and sprinkled on top of the ground. These layers are very well suited to the cold season.
When you spend autumn work in the garden, you can take care of improving the soil and preparing beds for the next year. Dig up the soil that will be usedfor early planting of plants. Remember that when digging up beds you can not turn a layer of earth and break up clots formed. And there are several reasons for this. The fact is that in this way you can cover the seeds of weeds and other insect pests with soil and they will not freeze in winter. In addition, in this way you will allow the earth to breathe.
If you have too acidic soil in the garden, just the time to lime it. Not all plants tolerate lime well,so in the spring it's uncomfortable. Determine the acidity of the soil will help ordinary weeds. On acidic soils horsetail, plantain, ivan-da-marya grow very well. Also, on sorrel soil, sorrel and mint are very well. Do not lime all the soil. After all, if you have a neutral or slightly acidic soil - lime is not required here. In addition, on weakly acidic soil, plants grow much better than on neutral soil.
The soil, which is not intended for beds, can be improved with the help of sideral crops, such as red clover, rye and mustard. These crops not only prevent the growth of weeds, but also enrich the soil with micro- and macro-elements. In the spring, you will only have to dig the ground together with these plants.
Autumn work in the garden is also worth devoting to planting bulbous flowers. Daffodils are best planted in early autumn, andHere, tulips and hyacinths should be planted a couple of weeks before frost. Garlic for winter is also planted in autumn. In addition to flowers for the winter, you can plant carrots, parsley, black onion, sorrel and other cold-resistant crops.
If you have a lawn, you will have to look after it well. In autumn it is necessary to constantly rake down the fallenleaves so that they do not interfere with the penetration of light and moisture to the soil. If you do not clean the leaves, the grass under them can turn yellow and stop growing. By the way, autumn is ideal for laying a new lawn.
And the most important thing that can be done in the autumn on the plot is the application of fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are best appliedin the fall. Over the winter they will rot and plants will be able to get all the necessary nutrients. But this concerns only the early cultures of maturation. For crops of late maturation, such as pumpkin, fertilizers should be placed early in the spring during digging.