The doll protects Travnitsa

Birghini dolls are very popular since ancient times. It is believed that they drive away evil spirits. Such a doll was created by our grandmothers manually. Taurus dolls did without the help of a needle, winding up and tying the cloth flaps. In this article we offer a master class how to sew a doll Travnitsu. Making such an amulet is a pleasant and not troublesome process, even a child can cope with.

Necessary materials:

  1. A piece of white cloth;

  2. A piece of cloth is red;

  3. A piece of cloth beige ("linen") color;

  4. A flap of tissue in the cage;

  5. A narrow lace of beige color (20 cm);

  6. Red thread;

  7. Beige threads;

  8. 30 cm coarse linen thread;

  9. Needle;

  10. Scissors;

  11. Vata;

  12. Grass-amulet (in the example - oak bark).

    The doll protects Travnitsa

Note: you choose the grass that your doll will keep in the nodules. Oak bark, for example, - protection from toothache. Potions can also be stuffed and the bottom of the doll - sarafan, but in the master class for this cotton was used.

How to sew a doll with a charm - step by step instructions

  1. The puppet's doll, as already mentioned, is not sewn, but is unwound from cloth rags along the following pattern:

    The doll protects Travnitsa

    So, take a piece of white cloth and cut out a square with a side of about 30 cm. Fold the knot, as in Figure A (inside insert a little cotton wool).

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  2. Fold the sleeves of the future doll (Figure B), and wind it with a red thread.

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  3. Now make the doll's chest (Figure B). Cut out two squares of red tissue about 15 by 15 cm, and bind two nodules.

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  4. The last stage of work on the calf of the doll - tie the chest to the body (Figure D).

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  5. Cut out a square from a red cloth with roundedangles. One side of the square is about 30 cm. We sew on the edge with the seam "forward the needle". We fill in the cotton wool (or grass-filler), and pull the thread. At us the bottom of a doll's sundress will turn out.

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  6. We insert the body of the doll in the hole, as shown in the photo, and tighten the thread finally.

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  7. We tie a piece of lace to the doll's head - a "ponoynik".

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  8. We tie a scarf from checkered fabric. Pay attention: the edge of the scarf is better to slightly bend and hem, so that the doll looks neat.

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  9. Cut out a white rectangle with a size of 208 cm. This is the future apron. Gently fold and sew the part from all sides. In one of the seams we will insert a linen thread (string for the apron), therefore it is necessary to leave the corners of this seam open.

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  10. Sew the lace, and attach a linen thread.

    The doll protects Travnitsa

  11. And now - the most important part. We make nodules with miraculous grass. The process is shown in detail in the video.

  12. We fasten (or sew) the nodules with the drug to the hands of the pupa.

That's all, now our Travnitsa is ready, and we know how to sew a doll with its own hands.

The doll protects Travnitsa

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