Onion seedlings
Onion is an indispensable vegetable. It is widely used in cooking for various soups, sauces, preserves, etc., and many still consider onion juice as the best remedy for the common cold. In a warmer climate, the onion and leek seeds are planted directly into the open ground, but in our latitudes it is preferable to grow onions with seedlings. Today we will tell you how to do it right.
We select seeds for seedling onions
Seed purchase costs only in provenspecialized shops, having preliminary familiarized with all certificates of quality. The most popular varieties are: Odintsovo, 1 year old, 1 year old Siberian, Zolotnichok, as well as Dutch hybrids: Spirit F1, Stardust F1. Recently, gardeners have paid attention to onions Excibishen. The weight of one bulb can reach 500 g., And the taste is pleasing. Cultivation of onions Excisional seedlings are somewhat troublesome, but feasible.
Before planting, the seeds must be treated. This happens in 2 stages. 1 - disinfection: they can be spilled with special solutions or alternately lowered for 20 minutes first in a hot (about 50 °), and then in cold water.
2 stage - soaking for a fast germination. Two or three days the seeds should be in warm water.
Soil Preparation
For seeding, it is necessary to prepare a substrate. If you decide to mix the soil yourself, then take turf ground and peat (1: 1), as well as humus. For cultivation of seedlings onions Excibishen in a substrate it is necessary to add a reprobid Mullein. Grow onions from seeds better in small pots or special boxes for seedlings. They are filled with a substrate of ¾, which is slightly compacted, then the earth spills abundantly (do not forget about the drainage).
Planting of seedlings
Seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The distance between them is about 5 cm, the same should be between the rows. Seeds are covered with earth, and then covered with film. The ideal temperature for germination is 23-24 °. Periodically, the film needs to be removed and the ground aired.
Note that it is better to put Exibishen on a darker place.
Stages of sprouting onion seedlings:
After you see the first shoots, the filmcan be cleaned, and the boxes themselves put in the light. The optimum temperature for onion seedling is up to 20 ° C in the daytime and up to 14 ° at night. Do not be afraid to put pots on the balcony, if on the street above 0 °. Sprout sprouts should be moderate, carefully monitored so that the soil does not become too wet.
Experienced truck farmers before landing in the ground are advised to rearrange seedlings for a while in a cooler room. Thus, the plant becomes more resistant to cold.
Seedlings are transferred to open soil in the first half of May. To fully develop it takes about 50-60 days, so start growing onions through seedlings is in mid-February.
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