Potatoes seedlings

The most common way of reproduction of potatoes is withusing tubers. It is very simple and affordable, but yields are gradually decreasing, and the root crop itself becomes shallow, watery and tasteless. To prevent this from happening, we suggest that you grow seedlings of potatoes from seeds. This will save money and do not spend half of the collected tubers for planting, increase yield, get large quality vegetables without any diseases.

We select seeds for seedlings

Seeds can be purchased at a store or stockedyourself. The seeds purchased must be adapted to the climatic conditions, and on the package they must have full information about the variety, yield and quality certificates. If you decide to prepare the material yourself, then in summer collect potato flowers, hang them in a small canvas bag for ripening, and then collect the seeds. Keep dried seeds no more than two years. We will plant the future seedlings in early March, in order to obtain quality plants by mid-May.

Potatoes seedlings

We prepare potting soil for potatoes

Choose very small and loose soil for seedlings. In it you can add perlite, which serves not only as a disintegrant, but also keeps the maximum amount of moisture. To prevent infection of germs by harmful bacteria or fungi, the soil should be calcined in an oven or microwave oven or treated with Phytosporin. As containers for seedlings, you can use plastic jars or containers. In the bottom, drainage holes must be made. Do not over-compact the soil - it will be difficult (or even impossible) for the seeds to ascend. Before sowing, spill the soil abundantly.

Seed preparation and planting of potatoes

To avoid the appearance of "black leg" seedsBefore planting it is worth treating with Phytosporin or other disinfecting solution. To do this, wrap the material for seeding in a cloth, pour out the chemical and leave for 30 minutes.

Potatoes seedlings

To sow the potatoes must be superficially, the distancebetween grains - about 5 cm. The container is immediately covered with a plastic lid (if any) or with a film to maintain optimum moisture. Until the seeds can not be pierced, keep them at a temperature of 25 °, regularly ventilate. The most common reason that potatoes do not come up is low temperature.

After a week and a half sprouts will appear. Dive (transplant) them. Try to do it carefully, so as not to damage the thin and weak roots. Do not take too much capacity to avoid souring the land. Transplant sprouts need several times, as the roots grow.

We offer you a detailed video on how to grow potato sprouts correctly:

When the seedlings are fully strengthened, it can be planted in the open ground. It happens somewhere in the end of April - mid-May.

In the first year the harvest will not be too plentiful, but the tubers are small. But from the mini-tubers you get good seedlings, so in a few years you will get the perfect result.

Potatoes seedlings

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