flower of the day-child

Planting a daylily in your garden, you will be surein that he will regularly bloom and delight the eye. With the correct planting and care, one bush can simultaneously have up to three flowers up to twenty centimeters in diameter. The duration of flowering also affects - just one bud can not wither for about a month.

In addition, they are resistant to various diseases and are not very susceptible to pest attacks. However, even for the cultivation of this unpretentious plant, you need to follow some recommendations.

We grow and care for daylilies

These plants will feel good onany soil, but if there is a choice - it is better to plant them on a fertile soil with a high content of humus. On clay soil, the daylilies will blossom, although there is a high probability that they will become ill due to stagnation of moisture. And on the sand, the plant will not receive a sufficient amount of liquid and nutrients.

Try to choose the lighted areas, becauseDaylilies are very sensitive to sunlight. In cloudy weather, they may not open up at all, but in the cold summer the flowers become shallow and pale.

Basic rules of care:

  1. Feed the plant at the very beginning of itgrowth. Sprinkle the complex fertilizer under the bushes and pour it with water. So nutrients will quickly reach the root system. The next feeding is carried out a month after flowering. So you are guaranteed to get a bush more in the next year.

  2. When the daylily blooms, watch out forwithering. They need to be periodically plucked so that the plant does not waste unnecessary forces. After the end of this period, you need to cut off all the flower shoots, and before winter - completely cut off the aboveground part.

  3. In the early spring, after the last snow comes off, remove the dry leaves, and when the ground warms up the plants can begin to divide. The transplantation is carried out by dividing the bush.

well-kept daylily

How best to transplant and multiply daylilies

If flowers are regularly transplanted, they cangrow in your garden for many years. This is best done in May and August. Later, the transplantation is not recommended, since the plant will not have time to fully settle down before the winter cold.

It is recommended to keep a minimum distance of half a meter between plants. So they will have enough room for growth.

To propagate the daylilies, twoway: bush division and seeds. In the first case, bushes about five years old, carefully dig up and divided into individual seedlings. It is recommended to do this procedure in the spring, so that the plant can bloom already in the current season.

Reproduction by seeds is a more laborious process. It is better to sow immediately after harvesting the seeds for the winter. The depth of the hole is about two centimeters. But in this case, you will have to wait about three years before the plant is covered with flowers.

breeding daylily

The most common diseases

The greatest danger is rotroot neck. It can be recognized by yellowing and weak leaves. If the time is not taken, the plant may die. To prevent this, you need to dig a plant, carefully cut out the damaged parts and rinse these places with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then it is dried in the air and transplanted to another place. The cause of the disease is too intense watering.

The plant may be attacked and pests. The most common - the mosquito of daylilies. Its larvae actively eat buds, so at the first sign of an attack, immediately remove the bud with insects.

From the above recommendations, it can be seen that daylilies do not require special skills in growing and nursing, and even a beginning gardener can plant them.

many flowers of the day-care center

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