Planting dayliliesDay-lily Is a perennial herb, not a very whimsical culture, which will grow almost in any conditions. His flowers are very similar to lilies, but that does not mean that landing of daylilies and further care for them will be similar to care for the lily.

Before planting a daylily, you should choose the right place for it. This plant likes sunny places, but it is worth considering that sunlight will bepromote burnout and the rapid withering of colors of dark-colored, red and purple varieties. Therefore, it is better for them to choose places with a partial shadow. Ideally, the plant should be shaded from 12 days to 4 pm.

Planting daylilies should occur in a well drained, organic, loose ground. If the soil is to plant the plant tooheavy, it should be added sand and compost, otherwise the root system of the daylily will rot and develop poorly. Also the soil must be neutral or slightly acidic.

Since very often gardeners order a plantby mail from various magazines and newspapers, during the mailing the daylily remains without the proper amount of moisture. Therefore, before planting, the plant should be inspected for damage, decay or plaque. Also, such plants will require additional sanitization. To do this, the baby girl should be washed cleanwater, remove rotten areas, dried leaves or roots and treat it with an antiseptic. For this, you can use potassium permanganate or an ordinary antiseptic, which can be purchased at the store.

The daylily is put in a spacious hole, which in diameter is larger than the root systemplants. The leaves of the bush should be cut to 15 cm. Also, there is an opinion that it is possible to prune the roots, because this can stimulate their neoplasm.

When planting the plant, attention should be paid to the root collar (a light strip at the base of the leaves, it indicates the depth of its initial planting). The root neck should be recessed at least 2-3 cm from the ground level.

The plant should be filled with fertile soil,it is good to compact all the space so that no air cavities remain. Do not forget to add little water. After the hole is covered, the daylily should be watered abundantly.

If the planting of daylilies was carried out in the autumn time, It is recommended to monitor the moisture level of the soil and constantly mulch it until frost. If you do not carry out constant mulching, and the root neck will be too deep, the plant will rot. It can and survive, but next year will not bloom.

If the planting of daylilies occurs summer or spring, It is recommended to water the plants every day for a week. After 3-4 weeks after planting the plant, it is possible to carry out the first fertilizing with fertilizers.

The daylily will respond very well to fertilization and fertilizing. It will grow better and develop faster. But not always balanced top dressing will be the best for any type of soil. When choosing a fertilizer, it is advisable to know the composition of the soil and its deficiencies on your personal plot. Such an integrated approach will give a balanced amount of necessary substances and compensate for the lack of soil.

Since the daylily is a rather unpretentious plant, it can withstand a sufficiently long drought. His ramified root system gives himpossibility to grow in conditions of limited watering. But, nevertheless, a sufficient volume of water will not only accelerate the growth of the plant, but will also affect the size and number of buds, the formation of daughter bushes. Therefore, not only the planting of daylilies requires a certain amount of water, but also care for it.

If planting daylilies and further care for themwere carried out correctly, these wonderful plants will please you with their wonderful flowers from the end of spring and until the beginning of autumn. And the wealth and diversity of their color range will impress the most demanding gardeners.

Planting daylilies
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