How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands
How to sew a dress with your own hands for beginners: patterns

Perhaps, every girl's dream is to createbeautiful and original outfits with their own hands. But not everyone knows how to do this. Although anyone can learn how to sew, only when they are eager to do it. The main difficulty - the construction of patterns. Agree, it is rather difficult to take measurements, transfer them on paper, visually presenting what the product will look like after sewing.

But there is another way to create clothes. Today we will talk about the rules for creating a light dress without a pattern. This option is suitable for beginner needlewomen.

The concept of sewing for beginners

To get started, you need to know how to create the outfits and stock up on the necessary materials.

First of all, you will need a meter that youwill measure the parameters of your body and apply them to the fabric. In addition, it is better to purchase special large scissors. They are sharp, grab a lot of tissue at once, and you will be immune from cutting off uneven edges.

Needles of different diameters and thread of different colors. They will be useful in order to sweep the future product before sewing. It is also better to purchase special chalks with which you will apply the dimensions of the blanks to the fabric, and later - the patterns.

Threads for sewing machines are better to choose differentthickness to be able to sew fabrics of different density. That seems to be all. Let's start making your first wardrobe thing made by yourself.

How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands
Patterns of dresses for beginners - simple patterns with your own hands

Sew a simple dress without a pattern

For example, we chose the simplest model,which, however, will look very original. This dress is ideal for the first experiment and does not require special knowledge as a cutter.

First of all, select the fabric for the future product. It should not be too dense to not crumple. But light chiffon or silk is also better avoided. These fabrics are very delicate, and they will be visible to all the defects of yours, as yet unskillful in sewing hands.

Preparing for sewing. Absolutely without a pattern will not work. But you also do not need to take a bunch of measurements. Limit on drawing four rectangles, which will serve as a dress for the dress.

The illustration shows the standard size, butYou can always make the base wider or longer, depending on your tastes. Rectangles more serve as the basis of the dress itself, and smaller - its sleeves.

How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands
How to sew a dress yourself

We circle the figures with chalk on the fabric and cut them out.

No item of clothing can not do without armholes. Therefore, cut out of the paper two more rectangles with a width of 7 cm and a length of 25, round a little of their edges, as shown in the photo.

How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands

Now the same manipulation can be carried out with tissue preforms.

How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands

We sit down for the sewing machine. If you are not yet confident enough to use it, then first sweep the side seams with contrasting threads or fasten with pins. After that, you can sew them together on a typewriter and process the edges with an overlock (if you have one).

How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands

Sew the sleeves to the base of the armhole.

How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands

Now proceed to a little decorationproducts. The dress will be held on the shoulders on the elastic band. Therefore, turn the neck approximately two centimeters and stitch it in one line. Now in the formed chute you can put an elastic band.

How to sew the most simple dress with your own hands

At the last stage, treat the edges of the sleeves and hem and smooth the product with an iron.

As you can see, it's quite easy to sew such an outfit.even a girl who is practically unfamiliar with the rules of cutting and sewing will be able to cope with this. And if you include fantasy and complement the new dress with original belts and beads, then a simple dress at first glance, in front of you will turn into elegant clothes for exits to solemn events.

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