Stephanotis: care and photoThe genus of ampelian plants, called stephanotis, has no more than 12 species. One of them is Madagascar jasmin.

The stems of the liana are powerful with leathery leaves reaching in the nature of 5 meters.

In a room culture, stephanotis, tied to elegant arched supports.

Bouquet for the bride

Grow jasmine for the sake of beautiful flowers. Waxy snow-white corollas with bent petals exude a magical fragrance. And the flowers are not located alone, but whole bunches: five or seven pieces each.

After the plant became famous in many countries, it began to be used for making bouquets. Flowers are especially popular among brides.

Healthy adult creepers bloom for four months. If the temperature regime changes, you can transfer this process to the cold winter months.

How to take care of Floribunda's stephanotis

Madagascar jasmine, Stephanotis Floribunda and abundantly flowering - this is the same plant that requires care and attention.

  1. Liana needs a bright, but indirect light, both in summer and in winter. The windows that face east or west are best suited for this.

    In the cold, additional lighting will be required.

  2. At the time when buds are laid, the plant can not be turned and moved to another place.How to take care of Floribunda's stephanotis

  3. The most suitable temperature for growing stephanotis at home is + 18 + 22 ° C. In winter time + 14 + 16 ° C.

    It is necessary to protect the flower from draft and temperature changes.

  4. To create the necessary humidity for the stephanotis, the plant is regularly sprayed. Water should be kept and warm. You can also put the container in a pallet with moistened claydite.

    In winter, with a cool content, spraying is reduced to a minimum.

  5. Watering a house plant should be abundant andregularly. After the top layer of the substrate has dried. Water must necessarily be run through the filter and defended to reduce the content of lime, which is poorly tolerated stephanotis.

    In the winter, the lianas are watered sparingly to stimulate abundant flowering in the future.

  6. Jasmine needs potassium supplementation, which needs to be introduced once in early May. It is better to reject nitrogen, since it promotes the growth of green mass and inhibits the laying of buds.

Transplantation of jasmine of Madagascar

Transplantation of jasmine of MadagascarBefore transplanting the plant, we trim. The most suitable time for this is the end of winter. For growing stephanotis we take a large pot, make a drainage, insert a support and only then we plant a creeper. Sprinkle with earth, which consists of a clay-sod mixture (2), deciduous (3), sand (1) and humus (1).


This amazing plant is propagated by seeds orcuttings. Grow it at home is difficult. Cuttings themselves can not take root, you need to use growth stimulants, and the seeds may not ascend.

Reproduction by cuttings

Like many other indoor plants,Stephanotis cuttings multiplies by using healthy shoots. We make a cut below the knot on the plant and plant it in the soil. To speed up the process, you need to monitor the temperature in the room, it should not exceed +25 degrees. After 2-3 weeks, roots may appear in the cuttings. But transplanted separately only when leaves and shoots appear. Place them in a bright room.

Why does not blossom stephanotis

This plant is rather capricious. Only proper care, regular watering and pinching will ensure abundant flowering. Good lighting and lack of drafts - a pledge of rapid growth of stephanotis. Watering costs standing cool water, abundantly and regularly, so that the soil is always wet. Leaves should be regularly sprayed.

Yellow and fall leaves

For this purpose, during the winter, the plants lose theirleaves are normal. They turn yellow and fall off, even a part of the shoots can wither. Do not panic. This is a normal, natural process. In spring, young shoots will appear from the axillary buds.

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