beautiful flower

Evergreen Anthurium plants combinemore than 500 species in its family of Aroids. In nature grow in the tropics and subtropics of Central and South America. In the greenhouses, Anthurium Andre is usually cultivated, at home - Scherzer.

Varieties of the flower anthurium

There are three forms:

  • herbaceous;

  • curly;

  • tree-like.

Some of the species are exclusively decorative anddo not give flowers, but most deliver a visual pleasure to others, as the flowers of the anthurium are very beautiful. For this originality of the flower and in most cases a pleasant scent is loved by designers and often makes one of the central ideas for decorating offices or living rooms in private houses.

Anthurium: how to care?

A whimsical anthurium care requires attentive, withobservance of all rules. In a home setting, feels great in the terrarium. Loves the light, so the lighting in the room with this representative of the flora should be bright, but not specifically directed, but rather scattered.

Optimal summer temperature - no more than 25degrees, in winter it decreases to 18. Anthurium plant care at home expects its beauty accordingly - it does not like indifference and a heavy atmosphere. Water it only needs soft water at room temperature, in summer it is more abundant, in winter it is slightly less.

We must try to keep the soil moist, butthe water did not stagnate - it is this combination that he considers optimal, so that there should not be water in the pan. It will also prevent yellowing of the leaves near the flower.

flowering plant

Leaves, care for them, their appearance

Leaves, as well as roots, constantly needmoisture, so they must be wiped with a moistened sponge. To the humidity was normal for the plant, the flower growers recommend placing a wet moss under the pot. Stems also require such recharge, because wet moss not only accelerates the growth of roots, but also facilitates care.

During the spring and summer, the root systemit is necessary to feed every other week, while the fertilizing substances must alternate: once mineral, then organic. The most common attack anturium at home is aphids and scabies, so during the summer it is necessary to do preventive spraying.

Leaves can have the most diverse form:

  • heart-shaped;

  • rounded;

  • shovel-shaped;

  • dissected.

At the same time give a glossy gloss or calmmattiness. In their natural environment they turn, following the sun, when it moves across the sky. The anthurium flower reproduces with the help of vegetation or seeds. Working with it requires accuracy, since its juice is extremely toxic.

Red flower

As the plant grows anthurium: photo

But the main advantage of the plant, of course, is itsflowers. The shades can be very diverse, from snow-white to green, from lilac to black. The latter, however, are found only at home. Inflorescences are:

  • conical;

  • clavate;

  • spiral-shaped;

  • spherical.

The aroma of different types of flowers varies, and can be not only pleasant, but also fetid.

Buying an anturium, it is necessary to askfrom professional florists, how to care for them. The slightest violation of the rules leads to the fact that the anthurium man's happiness loses its appeal. By the way, he deserved his nickname for being given only to men, as a symbol of courage, courage, love, passion, freedom. The incredible power of attraction, living in this flower, fully conveys all the qualities that women so appreciate.

many colors

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