How to make a fountain with your own hands?

Garden fountain can have a different size, appearance, finish, shape of the jet. It may not even be the actual fountain (that is, the upward spout of water), but a waterfall or cascade. In fact, it's not that important. The main thing in any fountain is the pump, which provides its work, and already design - a matter of secondary importance.
Therefore, in order to make a fountain that will delight the eye and not cause you unnecessary problems, you need to first buy a good pump. There are submersible pumps, and there are those that are installed on the shore. For a small fountain suitable submersible pump, for a larger fountain - located on the surface, and the further the pump will be located from the sprayer, the more should be its power.
If you want to make a fountain for the garden, first you need to dig a hole under the future pond, which will drain water. This hole will be subsequently installedStainless steel or plastic tank. The depth of the pit should be such that the edges of the tank are below the ground level of 5 cm. To reduce the amount of water you need to dig into your fountain, do not dig a hole in a windy or sunny place where the water will evaporate intensively.
You can make a fountain without a tank. In this case, the walls and bottom of the hole excavated you need to reinforce the reinforcing mesh, then insert the formwork from the metal sheet and pour concrete. When the concrete stops, primetute it with a special primer. A simpler option is to carefully level the pit walls and cover them with a special film.
Then install the pump. Submersible pump is installed on the bottom of the fountain ona stand made of metal or concrete so that its nozzle is above the water surface, and the pump itself does not touch the bottom of the reservoir. If you decide to make a fountain with a pump located on the shore, it should be installed as close to the fountain and connected to the nozzle, from which water beats.
Since most pumps are powered bymains, you need to be very careful about the pump connection. For greater security, you will need a rugged dielectric housing, a waterproof cable and waterproof connectors. In general, it is best to entrust the laying of wiring to a professional, because this is already an insecure matter, and if there is a neighborhood of electricity and water - then the insecure is doubly.
The spray tube of the fountain is mounted in an upright position. Sprays are made from different materials, but better Choose a sprayer made of ceramic, bronze or fiberglass: such nebulizers do not deform in the cold. The type of spray will depend on the type of sprayer.
The easiest way, by the way, buy ready-made set, which already includes a pump, a hose with nozzles andall other necessary details. Usually such sets are supplied with detailed instructions on assembly, placement and connection, so making a fountain with your own hands in this case will be much easier.
Decorate your decorative fountain you can do it the way you want. Limit you only financial opportunities, the general picture of your site and your imagination. To decorate the fountain, you can use decorative stone, sculptures, lamps.
Can be used Special lamps designed for installation on the bottom of the fountain. But having decided to make a fountain with underwater illumination, very responsibly concern to connection of fixtures to an electric system.
You can put in the pond plants, but at the same time tiresome to choose such plants that are not afraid of getting large drops of water, or to place them in the distance from the jets of the fountain.
From time to time it will be necessary clean the pump and change the water in the fountainso that it does not stagnate or blossom. Rinse the pump about once a week, change the water - once a month.
As you can see, make a fountain with your own hands not so difficult as it seems. If you approach this responsibly, the decorative fountain will decorate your site for a long time and please the eye.