Patio at the cottage
The patio is an open patio thaton all sides surrounded by walls, a lattice, a green hedge, etc. Initially, patios were common in Mediterranean countries (especially Spain), but now such patios are popular in many other countries. Why not equip Patio at the cottage?

Initially, the patios were original islands of comfort and security in medieval cities. The task of the patio is to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere. That is why the patio in the country will be beautifulplace for rest. If you dream of an outdoor terrace, but for some reason you can not (or do not want to) attach it to the house, the patio will be an excellent alternative.

So, as we have already said, The patio is an open patio, fenced on all sides. One of the walls of the patio in the country can actthe wall of the cottage house, and on the other sides such a courtyard can be surrounded by a fence that limits your summer residence and / or a green hedge. Usually part of the patio is paved with tiles or stone, and part is a lawn or flower garden.

In the design of the patio in the country, you can use a lot of decorative elements: artificial ponds (swimming pool, fountain, gardenpond), garden furniture, decorative vases, flowers in flowerpots. For shading the patio, pergolas are used, along which climbing plants are allowed. And you can equip a patio in the patio, under which there will be sun loungers.

How to arrange a patio in the country? First you need to choose the location of the patio depending on the destination. For lovers of sunbathing, the patio onsunny lawn, if you want to admire the beautiful sunrises or sunsets at breakfast or dinner on the patio, the patio should be located respectively in the east or west.

Then sketch a rough outline of the patio on a piece of paper and decide what exactly will be in thepatio, what part will need to be paved, and what - to leave for lawns and flowerbeds, where furniture will stand, etc. It is desirable to provide a canopy or an arbor in case of heat. And only then you can buy the necessary materials and start working.

If the patio is a fountain or artificialwater reservoir, you need to start the arrangement of the patio with it, because it will be necessary to dig a pit, lay pipes, etc. Then, after finishing with a pond, you can do all the other work. Usually a fountain or pond occupies a central place in the patio.

So, the pond is ready (or not ready - if you decide to do without it), now you need to decide, than to pave patio. Paving can be very different, but the materialshould be primarily functional: not to be polluted, easy to clean, be resistant to mechanical stress and environmental influences. It is very important that it is roughen, so that in wet weather you do not slip.

Typically, the patio is paved with clinker bricks, natural or artificial stone. You can use different patterns of paving: paving stones, strict geometric patterns, mosaic paving.

The patio is unthinkable without the blossoming greenery. What will it be - a lawn or flower beds, flowers inpots (containers) or living walls of climbing plants - of course, you decide. It all depends on your personal taste and how much time you are willing to pay to care for the plants. But we advise you to plant species of plants that bloom at different times, so that all summer the patio would please the view with bright colors. If you prefer a lawn, the surface of the patio should be slightly below the level of the lawn, so that you can mow the lawn without damaging the patio. Together with the flowers can be planted shrubs and low trees. When deciding where to plant which plants, be sure to consider the degree of their photophilic nature.

Final touches in the design of the patio in the country - furniture and lighting. In the patio is usually installed dacha furniture,the choice of a particular kind of furniture (plastic, wicker, forged, wooden, etc.) depends on the style in which the patio is designed, and your budget. If furniture is afraid of water, it must be installed in a place well protected from the rain (say, under a canopy).

If you plan to spend warm summer evenings on the patio, take care of the lighting, which will make the patio even more cozy. You can put both high lanterns andsmall lamps standing right on the ground. The main thing that the light was not too bright, it is better to prefer soft diffused lighting. Then your patio will become a cozy place for gatherings with family and friends.

Patio at the cottage
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