How to decorate felt boots

Stylish felt boots can be an entire work of art. Especially, if you decorate felt boots with yourhands, then you definitely will have an original thing that you will not see any more. In order to decorate felt boots, you may need different items. Proceed from what is best for you. Maybe you paint well or embroider, then use your skills to decorate boots.
You can decorate home felt boots in various ways. Depending on what you choose, youYou may need ribbons, laces, fur, beads, wool for felting, paints on the fabric. You can experiment with other materials. Let your imagination tell you how to decorate felt boots.
The original decoration of boots can be made, for example, from fur. Choose the color of the fur that you most likelike. If you have plain gray felt boots, you can decorate them with white or pink fur. To the white felt boots, fur of the same color also fits, but you can still play on the contrast of tones.
Let's see, how to decorate felt boots with your own hands with the help of fur. In addition to the furs of the chosen color, you will need pompons, lace, glue, rhinestones or a fur floret, which can be purchased at the store.
From the fur, cut out two blanks of the desired length and width. On the inside of the felt with a sewingmachines sew furs. Fold the fur on the outer side of the felt and glue it with glue. The hot glue is best, but you can use any other, if only it was suitable for working with your materials. Similarly, decorate the fur with a second felt boots.
Then you can fantasize how to decorate felt boots. From the remnants of fur you can sew pompoms. For one valenka you will need two smallpompom, to which a string of the same color as fur is sewn. Also fur on felt boots can also be decorated with small fur flowers, which can be bought at any store for needlework. In addition, you can use beads or rhinestones for additional decoration.
An excellent option for decorating boots can also serve flowers of wool. To make the chosen composition, youcan use the technique of dry felting. By the way, wet felting is also great for creating different colors. The flower arrangement can consist of a variety of colors: violets, poppies, lilies, callas. Complement the composition of colorful flowers can be green leaves.
When your flower arrangement is ready, lay out it the way it should look on the felt boots. Only then proceed to assemble the composition. As The felt boots are made of very dense material, you can not very quickly sew all the flowers and leaves, if you do not want to break the needle. So work slowly and carefully.
Using the appliqué, you can make various decorations for boots. You can preliminarily make roses from ribbons,which can be glued on felt boots. As a supplement, you can use a variety of beads, which will look great next to bright colors.
Never ignore such excellent material as paints. If you draw well on the fabric, you can paint your boots usingfor this technique batik. First, select the pattern that you will transfer to your felt boots. Use only thick acrylic paint that will not spread over the material. And for acrylic to fit well on rough and hard surface of felt boots, they are preliminarily covered with PVA glue.
With the help of satin ribbons, you can decorate boots with a very original look. To do this, it is enough to simulate the lacing of ordinary shoes. To create a better effect, you can also use pieces of leather or lace to arrange the lacing of the boots as best as possible.