Crafts for Valentine's DayThe most romantic holiday in the year is approaching- Valentine's Day. It so happened that on this day we congratulate not only their loved ones, but also give small gifts to friends and acquaintances. In the role of such gifts can be crafts for Valentine's Day, made with their own hands.

Recognition in a box of paper

On Valentine's Day it is customary to admitlove. Do not miss the opportunity to say three cherished words to the one who is dear to you, with the help of such an article for Valentine's Day. To make it, you need to take:

  • gift wrapping paper

  • glue stick

  • empty matchbox

  • clerical button

  • stickers, rhinestones, ribbons and other ornaments

  • paper

  • pen or pen

Paste with paper for packing matchbox giftsboxes (inside and outside). Attach the clerical button to the "box" box - it will act as a handle for the "box". Decorate the box with appliqué, ribbons, bows - in general, than your heart desires.

You can make such a box-heart

A long narrow sheet of paper fold an accordion so that it fits into the matchbox. Write on it your confession, decorate it and put it in a box. The souvenir is ready!

Marble Hearts

Crafts for Valentine's DayA variety of hearts and hearts - an inseparableholiday attribute. Hearts "marble" (or "under stained glass", as anyone likes) is very easy to do, even a child can do it (with your help, naturally). To make this craft for the Valentine's Day you will need such materials and tools:

  • wax paper

  • wax crayons

  • knife

  • scissors

  • paper towels

  • iron

  • hole puncher

  • ribbon

Fold a piece of waxed paper in half and draw half the heart in the center of the leaf, at the fold (so that when you cut it you have a whole heart). Spread the paper and put it on the table.

Using a knife, make shavings from waxchalk (you can make one-color hearts or use several different colors). Spread the shavings on waxed paper. If the chips are of different sizes, there will be interesting patterns on the ready hearts.

Cover the sheet with a second piece of wax paper, andfrom above put a paper towel or napkin to protect the soleplate of your iron. Smooth out the sheets of wax paper folded together with the minimum temperature of the iron.

Cut out the heart. At the top, pierce the hole and thread the ribbon through it so that the heart can be suspended. It's best to hang it by the window so that light passes through your craft, as through a stained glass window.

Crafts from the salty dough in the form of hearts for Valentine's day

Crafts for Valentine's DayThe molding of salted dough is a very simple exercise,which allows you to do a huge number of a variety of things. We suggest you make from the test crafts for the Valentine's Day - magnets on the refrigerator. For this you will need:

  • a glass of flour + flour for sprinkling

  • half a cup of salt

  • half a glass of water

  • wooden spoon

  • rolling pin

  • heart shaped cookies

  • magnets

  • hot glue

  • acrylic paints

  • brush for paint

  • sequins in tubes

  • clear nail polish

  • baking tray

Preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Mix the flour, salt and water to make a dough. Knead the dough on a floured surface until it is smooth and elastic. If the dough is too sticky, add a little flour. Flour should be added a little bit, because if it is too much, the dough will be dry and cracked.

Roll out the dough to a thickness of approximatelyhalf a centimeter with a rolling pin, sprinkled with flour. Using cookie cutters, cut out hearts from the dough. You can cut hearts of different sizes, then to glue them together and get three-dimensional crafts.

Spread the hearts on a baking tray (lubricate itfat is not necessary!) and put in the oven. Bake for two hours, then remove from the oven and allow the hearts to cool completely. Color them with acrylic paints and sequins. At the end, cover the hearts with a clear varnish and allow to dry.

Glue the magnets to the back of the hearts. Done!

Such crafts for Valentine's Day will surely help you to please your loved ones!

Crafts for Valentine's Day
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