Izonit for Beginners

Technique of embroidery "to isolate for beginners" is easy enough to master. All you need is certainmaterials and a little time to master the embroidery technology. As a basis for their work, you can use a thick cardboard of different colors, velvet paper or a sheet of thin plywood.
Threads for embroidery isonization should be taken sufficiently thick. It is desirable that they can not be divided intoseveral separate strings. Therefore, refrain from using a mouline for embroidery. Better take the threads of iris. Their beautiful outflow and bright colors are perfect for creating paintings.
Technique is for beginners
Before you start embroidering in the technique of isolating, You will need certain tools. About threads and a rigid cardboard basis, we have alreadytold. You will also need glue. It is used only if you want to duplicate a soft base on a harder surface, and to fix the nodules. You can take glue any - PVA, clerical, wallpaper or "Moment". To fix the threads from the back side, you can use plain transparent adhesive tape instead of glue. And on a separate sheet of white paper you will carry out working drawings.
Of course, you will need certain tools with which you can make holes in the base. To do this, you can use an awl, a thick needleor punch. For the very embroidery in technology, a long needle of uniform thickness with a large eyelet is used to isolate. You will also need color pencils (for making drawings), a simple pencil (to create a sketch composition), ruler, protractor, compass, square and eraser. Tweezers, scissors and paperclips are also very useful.
Izonit for Beginners: Preparation for Embroidery
When you already have a certain sketch that you would like to embroider, you can start preparing the basics. If you have a fairly soft base, for example,fabric, it can be duplicated on hard cardboard. Also you will need to make a drawing in full size. The finished drawing is attached to the wrong side of the base and all the elements of the pattern and composition are marked. On this marking from the wrong side, the holes are marked. The holes themselves are made only from the front side. When all the holes have already been made, you can start embroidery.
Isolate for beginners: embroidery of simple elements
Beginning needlewomen are advised to master the technique of filling angles. Make a right angle markup: on each side of 12 points. Begin to embroider from the longest side, so that the subsequent shorter stitches well fixed the previous ones. Lead the needle to the front side at point 1 and guide it to point 13 on the other side of the corner. On the wrong side, draw the thread to point 14. From point 14 on the front side of the work, draw the thread to point 2. Continue to embroider until you finish the whole angle. Using this technique, fill not only the right angles, but also sharp and obtuse. After the end of the embroidery, the thread is removed to the wrong side and tied with a knot, passing under the nearest stitch. In order for the bundle to hold well, it is fixed with adhesive tape or glue.
Using this technique of marking, you can embroider circles. A simple circle should be divided into 12 points. Fill the circle on the chord in a strictly defined order. Changing the length of the chord and the number of points, you can get different options. Begin to embroider steep from point 1, near which you should put the letter H - the beginning. Pull the thread to the front side at point 1 and draw to point 11. At this point, the thread is pulled to the wrong side and stretches it to point 12. From point 12, the thread is drawn to point 2. Do not forget that you should mark the filling direction with the arrow.
Try also to embroider a triangle. Construct an equilateral triangle withside length of 5 cm. The number of points on all sides is 11. The vertex is the point 1 N. Pull the thread at this point to the front side and lead to point 16. On the wrong side, draw the thread to point 17. On the face side from point 17, thread to point 2, etc. Continue the embroidery until you fill the whole figure.
In the technique of embroidery isonization, it is also possible to perform various other figures - squares, hearts, rhombs. There are also more complex figures thatare a composition of simple. Embroider in technology can even be wiped out by children. Children, of course, better to use more simple elements and figures. Isolate for children will be an excellent opportunity for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
Embroidery isunit looks great also in combination with other elements of the decoration of the picture. So, add a simple embroidered pattern, rhinestones or applique. You will see that your picture will only benefit from this.