Trees and shrubs

What kind of garden without fruit, fruit and berry, decorative trees and beautifully clipped shrubs? They are necessary elements of any landscapes - and plains, and plateaus, and highlands.
Trees and shrubs give a shade, protect againstscorching sunlight in the hot season and the gusts of the cold wind in the harsh winter. And how many impressions from the observation of the blossoming of trees in the spring, the change in colors in the fall, the fall leaf, the winter beauty of the snow-capped crowns ...
Flower gardens, paths, rock gardens form the lowerthe level of the garden, but trees and large shrubs add volume to the site, create a natural cosiness in rest areas - near gazebos, altars, the swings on a large tree branch are also very good.
As a rule, as a decoration on the plotsplant low-deciduous deciduous trees, coniferous plants, shrubs up to 1.5 m, evergreen deciduous shrubs, as well as plants for hedges. Trees and shrubs should, first of all, correspond to the general style of your site and fit well with other plants.
Choosing trees and shrubs, it is necessarytake into account the characteristics and individual needs of each plant in the light, moisture and space for growth. Planning and selection of plants taking into account these factors occurs at the first stage of design.
Planting this or that plant, it is necessaryto imagine what dimensions it will reach after 10-15 years, because sometimes it is much harder to remove a greatly grown tree than to plant a new one. In addition, a large tree can greatly obscure the site, drown out the growth of other plants, disrupt the water balance. Therefore, on small plots of land is not recommended to plant tall forms oak, elm, poplar and pine.
Low-deciduous deciduous trees are the main elements among all the inhabitants of the garden. Their foliage reacts to every change of the season, making them original in their own way.
Flowering deciduous trees fill the environment with the aromas of flowers, bringing a good mood, and the air - freshness.
Coniferous plants very favorably contrast with the deciduousshrubs and trees. Thanks to its different shapes, texture and shades of needles, you can create unique compositions in the garden areas. Often, the necessary shape of the crowns of plants such as yew, hair or thuja, is achieved with the help of a haircut.
Deciduous Shrubs, whose height does not exceed 1.5 meters -an effective solution for creating compositions, based on a combination of the most exquisite shapes and unusual colors. Unlike grassy perennials, these shrubs preserve the aboveground part during all seasons - in winter the territory on which they grow is not bare.
Hedges look very nice, they gently shareSpace in the plots and in the gardens, which are distinguished by a large territory. And still hedges are used to create a cozy, quiet environment in a small garden.
Using an additional grid for hedges, it must be remembered that it must be made of stainless steel or non-ferrous metal, and reliably protected from corrosion.
Arranging a hedge in the garden, it should also be taken into account the fact that due to the considerable depletion of the soil around the fence, you will have to abandon the cultivation of most other plants.
Live hedges can be molded andnatural. Molded are fences of geometric shapes, for which plants are usually used, which, in uncircumcised form, approximate the hedge height. Informal are those in which plants retain their natural form, that is, they are almost never pruned.

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Trees and shrubs

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Coniferous trees and shrubs

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